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Different methods of audio soundproofing

Author: Kevin Richard
by Kevin Richard
Posted: Sep 27, 2021

Soundproofing can strikingly enhance such situations such as convenient sleeping, band practice, home studios, hi-fi home theaters and much more. Soundproofing walls is possibly the simplest and most requested soundproofing work that exists these days in the soundproofing market.

With the popularity of multi-family houses and also apartments, the requirement for personal noise free control is more than ever before. You should also think about the ambiance and technology aspects that are conducive to noise and why the requirements for soundproofing material like reflective panels are around.

Environmental factors that is conducive to sound and noise pollution are:

  • Neighbors
  • Vehicle Traffic
  • Trains
  • Planes

Some of the types of noise control available are:

  • Floor soundproofing
  • Ceiling soundproofing
  • Window plugs
  • Bass traps
  • Diffuser panels
  • Deflection panels
  • Wall insulation
  • Sound barriers
  • Sound walls

Fundamentally, with noise and sound reduction, you have four main ways to treat it and those include mass and absorption. Now we don’t require custom acoustic panels for this. It is a pretty much standard way of preventing noise in most situations, whether it is residential, commercial or business.

Absorption most commonly is accomplished by using fiberglass in the ceilings and walls of the structure. You shouldn’t think about absorption fiberglass to be a one stop solution although. You truly require the mass effort of all the points above, but soundproofing fiberglass is an excellent beginning. You can either buy or create your own audio diffuser. If you are constructing a new building, you can choose the fiberglass type within the walls to start with, possibly something such as R-19 or R-11.

Decoupling is quite vital. As we know, vibrational forces can travel when there are contact points. This will truly impact the low end of the room or the low end frequency transmission. Fundamentally, what is meant by decoupling is this. You literally create a room within a room! Hence, if you are creating a vocal booth, the sound cannot pass through conveniently to the surrounding walls of the main room. But one point which is constant is the floor contact points. This is where you will be using damping.

Mass is a simple one speaking of noise reduction in a room. A baffle board works like a sound barrier. As we know, sound pressure waves need energy to pass through objects. By having more mass, we are efficiently using all the sound waves energy, so by the time sound wave reaches the other side of the mass; it is quite weak and might have lost all its power. Things such as insulation or cotton fiber wouldn’t be great for this type of good sound reduction in the room.

Sound reduction in the workplace or office, home theater, home studio is quite vital. Fortunately, with a little information and effort found online, you can take a wise decision.

About the Author

Avail the best noise control and noise testing methods like Noise Barrier Walls, Engine Test Cell and Dyno Test Cell from our website i.e.

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Author: Kevin Richard

Kevin Richard

Member since: Aug 15, 2019
Published articles: 169

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