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Interactive content creation tools

Author: Atwood Bowman
by Atwood Bowman
Posted: Sep 30, 2021

Interactive content is content where the viewer engages with the content rather than just viewing it passively. Everyone who has used the Internet in the last 10 years will have come across interactive content in some form or other. Interactive content includes things like landing pages, quizzes, games, polls, and maps. Anything where the viewer becomes a part of a two-way engagement is interactive content.

Key business metrics throughout the sales funnel are more positive when content is interactive. People will spend more time, and engage more often when the content they are seeing demands their attention or rewards participation.

Interactive content can be used to leverage brand awareness, prolong engagement with a brand, improve the quality and quantity of leads, and stand out from the competition. All you need to do is come up with some neat interactive content ideas and find the best interactive content platform to roll them out on.

The benefits of interactive content creation include:

  • Increased conversion rate
  • Decreased bounce rate
  • Increased number of subscribers
  • Improved audience segmentation
  • More shares and backlinks

Here are some interactive content ideas to get you started.

1. Quizzes/Polls

People love quizzes and polls. They love giving their opinion and checking up on how clever they are, how compatible they are with their partner, what they’re going to look like in 10 years time, or which emoticon they are. Quizzes are a cost effective way of creating interactive content and getting potential customers to engage with your brand. Polls can be used to listen to your audience, and make them feel heard. Most social media platforms have built-in polls and there are a myriad of tools available online that provide an interactive content platform where you can create and implement your interactive content ideas.

2. Competitions/Sweepstakes

There’s nothing quite like a good old-fashioned competition or sweepstake to generate more interest and engagement with your brand. Some social media platforms have very strict rules when it comes to running any type of contest so be sure to check the rules before you implement your campaign. It is actually far better to create a competition on your website and promote it on social media so that you’re generating engagement and driving traffic to your website. Make sure your rules are clear and straightforward, your prize is brand related (and cool!), and remember to keep things simple.

3. Multiple Choice Posts

Another sure fire way of getting your audience to engage with your brand is to create multiple choice posts. Like quizzes and polls, you’ll find that people really enjoy answering multiple choice questions. This is a great way of getting feedback from your audience. Add a twist by using images instead of words.

Interactive content creation is becoming increasingly important in a world where engagement with traditional content types is waning. By using interactive content, marketers can gain the competitive edge because they are meeting the demand for content that is relevant, engaging and accessible across devices at any point in time.

About the Author

Interactive content is content where the viewer engages with the content rather than just viewing it passively.

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Author: Atwood Bowman

Atwood Bowman

Member since: Feb 21, 2020
Published articles: 14

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