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Master In Certificate Iii In Early Childhood Education And Care: Course Benefits

Author: Sally Wilkinson
by Sally Wilkinson
Posted: Oct 04, 2021
early childhood

Early Childhood Education (ECE) is one of the most rewarding careers out there, as it gives you the chance to impact the lives of children during their formative years directly. While it’s possible to pursue this career without prior training, doing so will make your experience much more complex and much less likely to be successful—that’s why we strongly recommend that you earn your Certificate III In Early Childhood Education And Care before you begin looking for jobs in the field or starting your own childcare business. If you take Certificate III In Early Childhood Education And Care, you’ll have everything you need to become certified in just three months!

Care For Babies And Children

Early childhood education professionals work with babies and children of all ages. They care for them, give them medical treatment, teach them, feed them, change their diapers, keep them safe from any sort of harm, and make sure they are happy. This involves working with children one-on-one as well as helping small groups or large classes of preschoolers or kindergartners. Childcare workers also assist parents who need time off work by looking after their children at home or another safe location. Some childcare workers do more direct teaching by helping kids improve cognitive skills like language development, coordination and counting. Others help socialize kids through games and activities that promote basic skills like sharing and cooperation.

Promote Positive Meal Experiences And Better Nutrition

As a licensed ECE or Early Childhood Educator, you’ll be well equipped to promote good nutrition and positive meal experiences. This is an important step in encouraging healthy eating habits from a young age, as children who have regular meals and nutritious snacks (when appropriate) tend to eat better and enjoy more balanced diets as they grow older. ECEs also provide important first aid care for preschoolers; it can be vital that early childhood educators are able to identify and treat certain symptoms at a young age, such as potential food allergies or signs of illness. With today’s busy lifestyles, many children aren’t getting enough physical activity; make sure you do your part by ensuring every child has opportunities for physical activity during their time at daycare or preschool.

Use An Approved Learning Framework

Approved learning frameworks can provide an excellent structure for making sure you’re covering all of your bases. There may be particular pedagogical principles or activities that will be useful for you to focus on, or perhaps there are specific skills you want to develop during your early childhood coursework. Take some time to look through learning frameworks and see which one feels like it will help guide your coursework and reflect what you want out of an early Certificate III In Early Childhood Education And Care. For instance, if you know that one of your goals is to use observation tools so you can plan more effective lesson plans, then a framework emphasizing observation might serve as a helpful reference throughout your studies.

Promote Cultural Competence

Learning about different cultures is key to being a good teacher. Understanding different cultural perspectives, having empathy for others, and recognizing your own biases will help you create an inclusive classroom and meet students where they are. When you have these skills, you’ll be able to develop activities that are relevant to children’s lives—activities that foster creativity, imagination, problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, critical literacy development...the list goes on. Knowledge of diverse cultures gives you insight into what makes each student tick so you can better plan for their needs.

About the Author

Sally is an enthusiastic blogger and marketing manager. She maintains keen interest in progress and development in the marketing and business space.

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Author: Sally Wilkinson
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Sally Wilkinson

Member since: Jul 20, 2016
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