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What are the best tools for Historical Twitter data collection?

Author: Kate Finch
by Kate Finch
Posted: Oct 14, 2021

An individual's mood can be gleaned from a single tweet. People's interests, lifestyles, and social and political beliefs can be gleaned from their historical Twitter data. As Twitter grows in popularity, so does the volume of tweets, which essentially makes it a goldmine of information.

Twitter users serve as a global distribution channel for information. It's as if you have an infinite supply of useful data at your disposal, all of which can be accessed with the right tools.

So, without wasting any more time, let’s discuss how to download historical Twitter data.

Twitter archive

If you are looking to download

  • Access your Twitter account by logging in here.
  • Go to 'More,' then 'Settings and privacy.'
  • Click on 'Download an archive of your data,' in the 'Your Account' option.
  • Enter your password and verify with your email
  • Click the request archive to begin the process.

You will soon receive your Twitter data archive in the email associated with your account along with in-depth analysis for the same.

Tools for download historical Twitter data of someone else’s account

Researchers, analysts, and social media managers often need access to historical Twitter data of other accounts. Unfortunately, Twitter does not provide direct access to the data of other users.

Luckily, there are a few tools that you can use to gain access to historical Twitter data of other Twitter users.

Twitter API

Using the Twitter API, you can retrieve tweets from any public Twitter account (Application Programming Interface). This interface displays who is following you on Twitter as well as the number of tweets you have received. To download tweets using the Twitter API, you'll need a Twitter account and an API Key. A consumer key is required to access the data.

You'll need a lot of technical knowledge to succeed. If you are not technically savvy, consider using a third-party application that does all of the work for you without requiring any coding.


While Twitter API is an excellent tool to get historical Twitter data, you will need technical and coding experience to make use of it. But if you do not possess the required skills, no need to worry, TrackMyHashtag has got you covered.

TrackMyHashtag is a third-party paid Twitter analytics platform that can help you get access to historical Twitter data of any public Twitter account. Just go to and click on historical data. On this page, you'll find a Request data form. Fill out the form with details about your Twitter archive requirements.

After submitting the form, a member of our team will contact you with additional information, including a quote for the data you've requested.

TrackMyHashtag also offers real-time Twitter campaigns and hashtag tracking. You can track tweets with any specific hashtag, keyword, or @mention in real-time. The analytical dashboard is easy to navigate and offers a wide range of insights that can help you plan data-driven strategies to boost your social media presence.

  • Real-time campaign and hashtag tracking

  • Get access to historical Twitter data

  • Monitor engagement and performance

  • Identify most engaging content

The premium plans start at $49 per month.

Wrapping Up

Twitter data is a valuable source of useful information that every Twitter user should tap into. It can help you figure out what your target audience finds interesting and what they don't. Begin utilizing Twitter data to propel your brand to new heights. Begin tracking your performance today with TrackMyHashtag.

About the Author

Kate Finch is an expert content writer and SEO Executive. She contributes content to Trackmyhashtag in regards to tracking hashtag and also support in the SEO of website. She loves Art, creative designs of Arabic mehndi and playing badminton.

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Author: Kate Finch

Kate Finch

Member since: Mar 25, 2020
Published articles: 20

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