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All You Need to Know About Concrete Floors

Author: Sally Wilkinson
by Sally Wilkinson
Posted: Oct 18, 2021
concrete floors

Concrete floors often require a whole different kind of attention in order to giving it a smooth and sleek look. Unlike tiles, concrete floors tend to be bare and ugly if not tended to and taken care of properly. From painting to its finishing, the properties often depend on the purpose of the flooring, for example whether it is used for heavy purposes or light ones.

If you’re concrete floors are worn out, then you need not worry for there are ways to help renew the surface with proper touch-ups. However, in order to have quality results, it’s important to handle it with proper professional help. Keep reading in order to have a look at a few pointers when it comes to having concrete floors.

Painting concrete floors

Painted concrete floors enhance the look and make it more aesthetic. While the process may seem like a tough one, it’s quite the opposite. It helps you avoid creating any possible changes for damages, making it much more long lasting.

While choosing the paint for your floor, ensure you select ones that are suitable for concrete material. Keep in mind that going for solid colours isn’t often the best choice and doing it just right might have your floor looking a lot more aesthetic than you think. You could even go ahead and use a paving paint once the concrete is fully cured.

Adding patch-ups

Before painting your concrete surface, make sure your check for the need of patch-ups. Patching up your concrete floors means that it requires you to cover up any damages and holes, making the surface fresher and level in order for the paint to stick properly and avoid coming loose.

The mixture used in order to patch up holes often depends on the depth of the hole. Once done with that, make us of a hammer in order to chip away excessive concrete build ups. Last but not the least, vacuum the surface in order to clear away debris and dirt.

Ensuring a good finish

Do not miss this step. Ensuring a quality finishing can help your surface go a long way. It’s crucial to use the right finishing product in order to avoid it being too slippery, which can be a risk especially if its places that vehicles move on. This means you need to ensure the products you use are anti-slip properties. Not attending to such concern can make the floor much worse when it gets wet.

Micro-toppings are known to allow concretes have a smooth and desired finishing. Depending on the budget and space you’re working on, your finishing can even consist of ceramic tiles, a richer finishing. However, that option is mostly used in interior spaces.

If you choose to take up this task yourself, make sure you obtain the necessary tools and take up the proper precautions in order to avoid any harm coming your way. Workings with concrete may require you to use certain chemicals and face a lot of dust, therefore wear a safety mask and goggles at all times.

About the Author

Sally is an enthusiastic blogger and marketing manager. She maintains keen interest in progress and development in the marketing and business space.

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Author: Sally Wilkinson
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Sally Wilkinson

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