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Ecommerce SEO

Author: Saloni Jhalani
by Saloni Jhalani
Posted: Dec 26, 2021

E-Commerce SEO – How to optimize Product Pages To Bring In More Sales

Ecommerce SEO is an effective way to acquire organic traffic to your website by making it more visible on SERPs (search engine result pages). SEO eCommerce product pages will get more traffic. You need to ensure your website is optimized for search engines, from the eCommerce SEO keywords you use to the technical layout of your web store for your web pages to rank higher in SERPs. Top 5 areas in which SEO can aid eCommerce.

  • Familiarize your brand in the consumers’ purchasing journey
  • SERPs results in traffic that increases sales
  • SEO is a cost-effective method to boost eCommerce
  • eCommerce SEO covers the strategy for a 360-degree perfection
  • SEO lasts long and build up other marketing efforts

Importance of SEO for eCommerce

Is SEO important for eCommerce?

The best way to get the audience to your website is through an authentic search engine optimization strategy, no matter what you are selling. SEO is essential because it is one of the top factors for engaging the audience to your website. Most people have a question: Is SEO important for eCommerce? The answer is YES! Here are the reasons:

  • Users will be able to find your website

More than 90% of customers depend on search engines to know about products and make purchases online. SEO product page optimization for eCommerce will make your site visible to the search engines and enhance the visibility of your target audience.

  • Expanding your reach

E-commerce SEO assists your web store to attain more traffic, which consequently grows your brand’s reach. Once a user comes on your website organically, you can later reach out to that individual again with paid retargeting campaigns.

  • Increasing brand awareness

You can optimize your eCommerce site without any marketing advertisement prices. If you are optimizing your SEO rankings, obtain your site on Google’s answer box. Being on Google’s answer box can drive more clicks, higher website traffic, and increased brand awareness.

  • SEO is a cost-effective method

SEO strategy is an important component to expand your business. You can attract large volumes of organic quality traffic to your website without incurring advertising costs but with appropriate strategies.

  • Great return on investment

An effective SEO strategy can give your business targeted and measurable results. It is a great form of online marketing that can offer your business great ROI (return on investment) with very little investment.

ECommerce SEO Vs. Local SEO: What’s the difference?

Local SEO optimizes your website to make it more friendly and useful for the local searchers or visitors. eCommerce SEO makes your online store more visible to window shoppers in several SERPs.

What is the difference between an eCommerce SEO and a local SEO?

  • Local SEO can increase or higher the rankings of locally location-based keywords and consume less time. In contrast, eCommerce SEO enhances the websites’ positions by targeting keywords worldwide, taking more time and effort.
  • Local SEO optimizes websites for specific locations, whereas eCommerce SEO optimizes websites globally. That means Local SEO is implemented for a single location, but eCommerce SEO is implemented for multiple locations.
  • Local SEO focuses on fewer website service pages and specific regions, whereas eCommerce sites concentrate on product page optimization category-wise and structure for multiple places.
  • Local SEO strategies are concerned more about nearby locations of the users. But for an eCommerce website, it is convenient to stand out unique on search engines and focus on attaining more impressive reviews and rich snippets from nearly located clients.
  • Local SEO needs to add location-based title tags to enhance the website’s ranking on several search engines. eCommerce websites must include modifiers such as cheap deals, buy, sell, & more to their multiple location-based title tags.

SEO strategy for a new ECommerce website

When it comes to an ECommerce site, it becomes more significant that your website attains the topmost ranking on the search engines as your business growth completely relies on online sales. Here is the answer to the question, "What is the SEO strategy for a new ECommerce website?"

  • Keywords research

Keywords play a primary role while executing on-page SEO. So, make a list of ECommerce SEO keywords relevant to your business and are presently trending. You require phrases that have been selected strategically to ensure that your SEO marketing plan is working appropriately.

  • On-page optimization

This process incorporates each action taken within the web pages on your site to ensure that your website appears at the top.

  • Website architecture

You can select how the shoppers move or flow through your online store with the help of website architecture. It also helps the visitor to identify the key pages faster and make purchases.

  • Mobile-friendly

Provide your visitor a smooth mobile experience by creating a responsive design or interactive app or selecting a creative mobile-friendly design.

  • Pictures and videos

The latest eCommerce platform needs to add pictures and videos of each product as it exhibits the visual content that forms a major effect on the visitor’s buying decision.

Best ECommerce SEO strategies to get organic traffic

"SEO" helps you to attract more customers and organic traffic towards your e-commerce store for better sales!!

Ecommerce SEO particularly aids online stores to increase organic traffic to product pages and listings. Which eCommerce are SEO strategies best to get organic traffic?

Here are the best ECommerce SEO strategies to get organic traffic:

  • Using the correct SEO Keywords

Perform keyword research to find the types of keywords consumers are searching for. It is one thing to find keywords, and another one is to use them properly. Therefore, you need to research out the right keywords that are useful for your online store. It would help if you analyzed your competition to find out the appropriate keywords.

  • Keep an eye on your competitors.

Please make a list of your competitors and run their category pages to see what keywords bring out most of their website traffic. If you classify these by volume, you can get which of the top keywords could serve as the primary keyword for your SEO ECommerce product pages.

  • Consider SEO as a part of your effective marketing strategy.

It would help if you executed SEO and PPC, which are short-term and long-term online marketing strategies. If you manage to rank for high-value keywords successfully, you will gain more. The potential consumers who successfully convert to your website and become users could quickly become repeat customers shortly.

What are the basic steps to building a complete SEO strategy for ECommerce?

The requirement of a successful SEO strategy for eCommerce is certain as online eCommerce stores are competing to rank higher in commercial search results to create more organic traffic. Here are the basic steps to building a complete SEO strategy for ECommerce:

  • ECommerce SEO keywords

Ecommerce keywords research is more technical and critical than keywords research because selected keywords will be involved in the content for product and category pages & the website structure to guarantee an effective target for desired search results. Select the suitable keywords that based on:

  • Acceptable monthly search volume for your industry
  • The competition level for targeted keywords
  • Relevancy to available products and categories
  • Estimated cost per click "the higher, the better."

SEO for ECommerce product pages & SEO for ECommerce category pages:

On-page SEO is a key factor for your e-commerce store to reach a higher ranking in targeted search results, increase the clicks on your website search results "CTR," driving more conversion and sales and the overall success of your eCommerce SEO plan.

  • Handling eCommerce technical SEO issues

ECommerce websites are known for the several increasing pages for products and categories, and with more pages available, there will be more technical SEO aspects & issues to care about. An efficient eCommerce SEO process needs periodic site audits to handle technical SEO issues.

  • ECommerce link building

An effective ECommerce link-building strategy will need to execute detailed analyses of your backlinks profile and the competitors’ backlinks profiles to describe excellent link-building opportunities and your overstep plan.

Four Google SERP features for ECommerce SEO

Here are four of the most important Google SERP features for ECommerce SEO:

  • Rich card

In 2016, Google introduced a new mobile SERP feature called Rich Card. SEO can upgrade your business results by utilizing structured data, i.e., visibly attractive, easy to click, and more likely to produce organic clicks.

If a person searches for a specific product, the results marked up in the functional language will tell Google to exhibit the product with a picture that will assist you to know if you wish to search further. Users can see other items by simply swiping.

So, what’s better than the 2016 SERP feature? Nowadays, mobile search results are more relevant, and you can optimize your e-commerce products for rich cards. You can test your work in several ways for free Rich result tools as Google offers it.

  • Google image search results

An appropriate image will appear at the top of the SERP before the organic search results. A good product description is very helpful. Your credibility will boost and help drive conversions if your consumers can view clear, high-quality images of your products. However, Google does not read images.

You need to ensure that your image is original, then provide a descriptive file name associated with the page where the image will be allocated. In the case of ECommerce, many photos may be displayed for each product, so provide the image file with a title that reflects the product and separate the words with a hyphen. Compress a huge image file as small as possible so that the image shows what you need for your site.

  • Rich snippets

Rich snippets offer direct questions to users’ search queries. Some rich snippets incorporate star reviews for a business’s products/services or cost information. They add additional information that attains users to click on your page. If someone was performing a search for a product and saw, in the search results, that it had over 4-star rating, those leads are more likely to click on your link.

  • Site link

Site links are clickable buttons below the SERP result metadata. These offer the opportunity for users to go directly to a part of the website. The most logical site links you want to see in your results are from ECommerce’s most popular product categories.

The pages that Google links to results are mainly based on on-site navigation. A direct and easy-to-navigate website structure assists the user experience, supports navigation, and encourages Google to crawl the page. Others that assist Google in crawling your site are Keyword-optimized content, smart internal links, and intuitive menus. You have the best chance of defining your SERP site links through these factors. Search engines respond in kind by generating useful site links when you tell Google which pages are essential to you and your customers.


SEO is an important necessity for ECommerce websites.

The product needs to reach its potential customers in the right way to find the products they need on the search engine results page (or SERP).

Best Google SERP features for ECommerce SEO

Attract more customers and organic traffic towards your e-commerce store for better sales with SEO.

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About the Author

Ecommerce Seo is an effective way to acquire organic traffic to your website by making it more visible on Serps (search engine result pages). Seo eCommerce product pages will get more traffic.

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Author: Saloni Jhalani

Saloni Jhalani

Member since: Dec 23, 2021
Published articles: 2

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