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How can Lasik Eye Surgery affect my travel plans?

Author: Pranav Goel
by Pranav Goel
Posted: Dec 27, 2021

LASIK is a popular refractive surgical treatment that can improve the vision of people who have refractive errors such as myopia. Lasik surgery can also improve reading vision, known as Presbyopia.

Laser Eye Surgery is a good option if you also want to get rid of your reading glasses. It offers numerous advantages, including the fact that it is relatively inexpensive, highly effective, and can be performed in less than half an hour. And the best thing about LASIK is that the recovery time is pretty fast.

More often than not, people return to their work the next day after their Lasik surgery. However, often people wonder if they can travel long distances post Lasik Surgery. Well, the quickest answer to your question is - It all depends! It's best to consult Lasik surgery specialists for specific recommendations based on your unique set of circumstances.

Driving Back Home Following LASIK Eye Surgery

Patients are not allowed to drive back home immediately after the surgery. The procedure is performed in the doctor's clinic. Once the surgery is done, you'll need to return home as soon as possible.

It is not advisable to drive yourself home following the procedure. LASIK patients are often given medications, sedation, or anti-anxiety pills to help them remain calm and comfortable during the procedure.

The effects of these medications don't usually wear off until 24 hours post surgery. That is why it is recommended that you have somebody accompanying you so that the person can drive you back home.

Within the first 24 hours after the surgery, the majority of patients notice a significant improvement in their vision, typically to 20/20 or better. The vision then gradually improves over the next few weeks. The day after LASIK, a postoperative checkup is usually scheduled. Often patients feel comfortable and confident to drive the next day to their appointments.

If a patient experiences increased sensitivity to light, they can choose to postpone driving for an extra day or two. Patients are also recommended to wear sunglasses to limit their exposure to direct sunlight, especially in the first week after surgery.

Vacations Post LASIK Eye Surgery

Although there are no restrictions on traveling, following post Lasik guidelines is crucial. Patients frequently schedule the LASIK procedure during their holiday breaks. However, flying is not allowed after Lasik surgery. The cabins in the airplane are dry, which can cause significant discomfort during flying.

So, you should always put your travel plans on hold post Lasik. Any kind of discomfort can hamper the healing procedure, which is not wise at all. And if it is really necessary to travel, then make sure you follow proper post-surgery instructions, such as:

  • Avoid keeping your eyes open during traveling or flying.

  • Avoid reading a book or watching a movie during your travels.

  • You can consider taking a nap over an in-flight movie or book.

  • Use lubricants or artificial tears prescribed by your doctor while you're in the air.

  • Avoid swimming pools, hot water bathing, and Jacuzzis during your vacations. It is because the incision in your eye is still healing and vulnerable to infection. Swimming and hot baths can adversely affect your eyes and hamper the healing process.

  • Also, it is good to avoid contact sports during that time period.

Work After LASIK Eye Surgery

You can return to your work the next day after your Lasik surgery. However, you should be careful about how you travel to your office. If you commute via public transport, then it is advised to take a few days off from work. Public transports are often crammed, and traveling via public buses or trains can affect your eyes adversely. Of course, the safety of your newly treated eyes is essential. Although the LASIK procedure is minimally invasive, it does necessitate an incision in the cornea by your surgeon. This incision, though small, requires time, a safe environment, and plenty of moisture to heal. And traveling via public transport can impede healing.

You can even talk about it with your doctor so that he/she can help you with the best solution.

Wrapping up...

So these are the different situations where you will have to travel. The best idea is to follow the post-surgery instructions given by your doctor for the best results. Of course, once your eyes are healed completely, traveling will be far more convenient than it was before your LASIK procedure.

LASIK is an excellent option for frequent travelers, as it is not easy to travel with glasses or contact lenses. Lasik helps patients to get rid of their eyeglasses and lenses. So, if you want to live a life with a clear vision, contact us to schedule a consultation.

About the Author

Contoura Vision India provides information regarding different laser eye surgeries available in India for specs removal & correcting visual disorders.

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Author: Pranav Goel

Pranav Goel

Member since: Dec 23, 2021
Published articles: 1

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