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How to Prepare Physics for NEET & JEE 2021? — Quick Tips and Strategies

Author: Sumit Krishnan
by Sumit Krishnan
Posted: Jan 03, 2022

The NEET as well as JEE Main remain two of the most difficult tests now offered in India. The Physics parts of the NEET and JEE sometimes terrify students just thinking about them. There are a few tactics students may use to assist them improve their grades on the Physics section of both of these tests.


Know the Syllabus: Understand the Syllabus, before you begin studying for the test, you must first read over the curriculum. This might assist you in determining which issues are critical and require greater attention, as well as areas where you can get by with less work. It also lists the chapters with the highest weighting in the exam, which might help you determine where to concentrate your efforts.

Make a list: One thing that all exam winners have in common is a predilection for taking notes. Taking notes is an efficient learning approach that promotes recall and attentiveness, according to several research. These notes will come in handy when it comes time to revise for the exam.

Make certain you comprehend topics: The JEE Main exam's primary goal is to measure foundational understanding, thus it's no wonder that the majority of the questions are application-based.

When attempting to tackle such issues, remembering definitions and solutions will not be of any assistance. Not only will knowing the subject help you answer the questions, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment as well as satisfaction.

Utilize codes to recall essential information: Aspirants can use analogies to retain crucial information. Analogies aid in the connection of specific parts of the brain to others and aid in the retention of knowledge by connecting new information to previously learned information. Important areas of chemistry, like the periodic table, could be remembered via mnemonics.

Candidates must avoid long study sessions, particularly for tough topics, by taking scheduled breaks. When working on a difficult crossword puzzle, they may recognize that if they take a break and return to the task later, they would be able to solve it faster. This is because, even if kids aren't solving it explicitly, their brain is unconsciously functioning on it. It takes care of the majority of the grunt work for them. Candidates should schedule and take periodic breaks among study sessions to effectively learn these skills.


Understand the Syllabus: This advice will help you optimize your score on the Physics part of the NEET Exam, since knowing which chapters to focus on will help you maximize your score. This method also improves efficiency and resource allocation.

Concentrate on NCERT: Among the most significant NEET preparation aids is the NCERT. In comparison to other prep books, the NCERT books are ideal for studying concepts since they delve into considerably more detail. Students will have a far better knowledge of the content after reading these books, as well as so will have a better chance of performing well on the exam.

Solve mock tests: Carry out practice exams: Practice is the only thing that can replace it. Practice is the only thing that can replace it. Solving mock tests can give students an advantage because it not only allows them to practice examination questions, test their knowledge, as well as fully comprehend exam structure, but it also puts them in an exam-like configuration where they can get a full picture of their performance as well as see where they are falling short.

Prepare Notes: Taking notes while studying is the most effective technique to increase memory abilities. Candidates must take down all significant notes in a copy or a journal, which will help them prepare before the exam and save them a lot of time. Candidates should take careful notes on the points in order to avoid misunderstanding throughout the revision process.

Focus on weaker sections: A learner might excel in one subject while struggling in another, but this should not demotivate them. To strengthen the regions where they are weak, they should work harder. If kids are having trouble understanding a subject, they can seek help from instructors and friends. Learners can use NEET practice papers as well as prior year's exam papers to identify their weak areas as well as devote more attention to them. They will be capable of overcoming their fear of weakness as well as develop a great deal of confidence as a result of this.

Take care of oneself: the finest meditation is a full night's sleep. A good night's sleep not only refreshes a student, but it also improves their attention. They must take frequent pauses (planned rather than unscheduled) and keep a regular sleep pattern. Because the brain does the majority of the heavy lifting here, aspirants should allow enough time for it to recover. Adequate rest can also assist candidates in being cheerful and focused. There were some really NEET preparation suggestions that applicants may use to improve their test scores. Despite all of these preparation suggestions and tactics, applicants still make errors that might negatively impact their outcomes.
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Hey, I'm free freelancer author and write for my passion and for them who need some advice to excel in exams.

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Author: Sumit Krishnan

Sumit Krishnan

Member since: Jan 18, 2021
Published articles: 25

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