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6 Reasons to Consider Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App In 2022

Author: Mark Tyus
by Mark Tyus
Posted: Jan 20, 2022

One of the modern digital environment’s most important key features is being multi-channel. Gone are the days when mobile apps were only reserved for entities or large corporations. Building a professional mobile app for your business is easier and less expensive than ever before.

Apps are the best way to build stronger relationships with potential customers and existing customers alike. If you’re thinking about building an app for your business, but aren’t sure if it’s the proper option for your company, worry not.

We’ve outlined the major advantages of building a mobile app for your own business. All it takes is a clear intention for what you desire your app to do, and you can begin the mobile app development process. In this article, I decided to share important benefits that a mobile app can provide for your future business.

1. Build brand awareness

To build brand awareness, mobile apps are the big essential platforms with diverse marketing efforts. Apps play a vital role in keeping the brand value of your business always in the customer's heart for the long term.

While traditional awareness marketing campaigns regularly often struggle to keep your brand top-of-mind with customers, a mobile application puts your business’s brand front and center on the screen of their mobile devices.

Once the consumer installs your app on their device, you can be sure that they’ll come upon your brand multiple times a day, especially if you create built-in elements that allow you to engage with your users consistently.

According to the survey, the average person spends about 3 hours and 15 minutes a day on their mobile phone.

These are interesting numbers, but only if your business invests the time needed to create an app.

2. Provide added value to customers

Digital accessibility is possibly the most essential trend of our time in the business world, and mobile applications match perfectly into that mix.

Customers don’t want to have to call your store all the time to order a product they needed. They opted to make an order with the tap of their finger at their comfort zone.

They don’t want to have to send you an email to address customer support problems. They prefer to be able to immediately communicate to your customer care team via your application’s chat feature.

In the past, the best way to contact a consumer was to email them or call them. Nowadays, you can send a notification that appears on their lock screen, an approach that’s simultaneously more direct than an email and much less disruptive than a call.

When you add all that together, what you get is increased consumer loyalty that helps transform your business into their preferred brand

Speaking of loyalty, if your business enterprise has a loyalty program, you can combine it into the app. Traditional loyalty applications aren’t convenient as they usually require the consumer to come into the store with a punch card.

Creating a mobile app eliminates that unfortunate scenario from the equation because, while a consumer may neglect to bring a punch card to your store, they hardly ever forget to bring their smartphone anywhere.

The mobile applications also give your consumers 24/7 access to your business and its variety of programs.

3. Increase customer engagement

There’s already a slew of methods to amplify consumer engagement with your business. Email marketing is a tried and authentic method, as is social media. However, neither of those mediums are personal or direct notifications.

Whenever your business has a mobile app that you know your consumers will love for your special, you can schedule a push notification on their devices that brings it to their attention.

You can also set up an automation that asks for ratings or reviews whenever a consumer makes in-app purchases of your services and products.

Having an app for your business additionally grants you the chance to supply an extra managed and complete brand experience to users.

A commercial enterprise website technically already brings your company brand to your user's screens, however, it’s too convenient for them to get distracted by means of the countless other tabs they have open. Mobile apps permit distraction-free browsing, as clients are constrained to viewing one app at a time.

And what if a consumer has a criticism regarding your products, services, or even the app itself? Having a mobile application utility streamlines customer service initiatives, which brings us to the subsequent section.

4. Better customer service

A research report stated that "52% of customers say they have made an extra buy from a company after a positive service experience from consumers."

We all know that customer service is critical to business success, and one of the most essential aspects of customer service is respecting the consumer’s time by responding to their inquiries very quickly.

With the proper mobile app development, your business must be capable of furnishing all kinds of useful customer service features such as in-app messaging, call and call-back buttons, easy directions to your stores, and of course, consumer feedback options.

Mobile applications additionally provide your business another place to provide an FAQ each for modern days and possible customers who are thinking of buying your products or taking part in your promotions.

Ready to build a mobile application for your own business? Hire a mobile developer on Trioangle today.

5. Enhance your service or products

One aspect that was so innovative about the upward shove of online stores used to be that everyone from company companies to mom-and-pop stores ought to unexpectedly make use of website analytic information about their customers.

In that equal way, massive and small organizations alike have the possibility to collect even extra statistics about their customers with mobile applications. For instance, with mobile apps, you can get the right of entry to a user's region if they allow region sharing with your app, which is something you can't do with a mere website.

On pinnacle of the feedback users generally depart for you on the software (complaints, comments, reviews), you can analyze behavioral data, such as what customers search for most often, which FAQs they devour the most, and how long they continue to be on exclusive pages within the app.

All of this information, if analyzed properly, can lead to insights that you can leverage to level up the consumer experience (UX), strategize advert campaigns, and create better products.

6. Increase revenues

Remember when we stated that customers can allow location sharing with your mobile application? This performance is greater than simply any other way to gain geographic statistics about your customers.

You can actually set up push notifications that notify users of neighborhood promotions going on that only activate when they get within walking distance of your store. Targeted promotions like this lead to extra foot traffic, which, in turn, interprets into greater sales.

Unlike websites, apps supply larger flexibility for your business to create greater immersive and seamless buying experiences—everything from discovering products to secure, effortless payments.

The fewer barriers there are to entry, the more people are willing to purchase.


There are reasons large and small brands alike used to do anything they should to get their shops into buying department stores and different high-traffic spots: cash flows at any place the client goes.

However, the golden age of department stores is and has been fading for a while; online stores noticed that.

A document from eMarketer indicated that, in 2019, 90% of the time people spent on the internet went in the direction of apps, no longer websites.

This point alone makes it really worth thinking about the attainable benefits a mobile app should carry to your company, but if that’s no longer enough, maintain in thought that many of your competitors are already inserting time and cash into the development of their very own mobile applications.

By investing in mobile apps, you pave the way for higher company experiences and, in turn, happier customers.

Ready to build mobile app development services for your business? Hire a mobile developer on Trioangle today

About the Author

Mark Tyus - Techie content writer. Analysis of the technology and new things in the current technology. Here, I'm here to help you in producing a unique and trendy website for your requirements. Feel free to contact right now.

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Author: Mark Tyus

Mark Tyus

Member since: Dec 30, 2021
Published articles: 13

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