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Give Time Lapse Photography a try!

Author: Milesight Schweiz
by Milesight Schweiz
Posted: Mar 18, 2022

This one can turn into an incredible weekend project, and will create something few if any of your friends have ever done it. Many might not even have seen it before!

However, I have got some bad news for you. You possibly don’t have this feature integrated in your camera. In a DSLR, the time lapse photography feature in a zeitraffer kamera (time lapse camera) is built-in. You can get it in the menu.

In case you don’t know, time lapse photography is a series of pictures of the same subject taken over a period of time and then put together in a video series.

You create the shots by setting up your IR kamera (IR camera) on a tripod and shooting a frame every second or couple of seconds or every minute, whatever you choose is the best interval. It may create some really interesting little 25 or 30 second videos. Obviously, you want subjects that will change in some way over the course of the shooting, but can still be photographed from a single location.

For instance, shooting a flower as it opens up, or a sunrise, sunset, fast moving clouds, you just have to name it. Here is your chance to do something really innovative and learn more about how your panorama kamera(panoramic camera) works everything simultaneously. You will possibly want to set your zeitraffer kamera (time lapse camera) on manual so that the exposure settings stay constant throughout the interval.

A nice tip here is to set the total number of shots as high as possible as you can always stop it later, but you can’t add. Ultimately, another factor you have to consider is how many shots you want the camera to take between the intervals. As you most possibly set the timer in the first set of numbers to correspond with every shot you want, this number will be set to one. Then you are done and can commence shooting!

Once you have taken your pictures, you can edit them if required in Gimp or Photoshop and then save them all in a single folder which you will then upload to Picassa. Be sure that all the photos are set and click the "Create Movie Presentation" icon. The images are instantly made into a movie! Then in the editing options, choose "Transition Style"and ultimately from the drop down choose "Time Lapse". Choose the frame rate and video size you want. Click the create movie button and Picassa will compile the images into a movie that you can save then.

For an interesting weekend project, utilize DSLR photo tip and try some time lapse photography! Any project you do that can teach you more about your IR kamera (IR camera) will ultimately show in your other work, so it is well worth while even if you are specifically interested in time lapse photography.

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Author: Milesight Schweiz

Milesight Schweiz

Member since: Dec 04, 2020
Published articles: 10

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