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Evaluating The Impacts Of Water Technology In Economic Growth Over India

Author: Shibani Thakur
by Shibani Thakur
Posted: Mar 28, 2022

The scarcity of water has become a dynamic and complex challenge worldwide, affecting human development and restricting the achievement of the goals of sustainable development. The water scarcity can be due to the influence of climate change and a decrease in the level of the water table in the water resources. New technologies have been adopted to stop the wastage of water. Water Technology is an emerging technology that helps in managing water resources so that the water can be saved for future use. The use of water technology is a prominent step used for the conservation of water and managing the resources of water. However, the use of water technology used for water conservation also helps in economic growth in India.

Some of the ways in which economic growth is impacted by the use of water technology through water level indicators:
  • 1. Water technology helps in managing the agriculture sector in a better way which enhances the yield from the agriculture sector thus helping in the economic growth. The Water Level Indicator helps in notifying the user regarding the management of water resources and helps in providing water to the field in proportionate amounts resulting in better growth of the crops. The more the yield is the more income farmers generate after selling the crops. This positively helps in economic growth as the government exports the crops to other countries and earns money from that.
  • 2. Water technology helps in providing water to the areas which hardly get water and faces an acute shortage of water during the summer season. Water technology is the biggest relief for those areas as people get sufficient water for drinking and doing their daily chores which allows them to focus on more important works which can help in their personal growth which will also impact the economic growth of the country. Many people in the rural areas leave their daily work for filling water which surely keeps them away from their basic needs that can only be fulfilled with the money they earn. So, the water technology can be used for providing water in those areas so that people can devote their time to working which will positively affect the economic growth.
  • 3. Many families which face scarcity of water engage their children in doing the household chores of filling water from the pond, well, or the nearest tap which keeps them away from their studies. When the children of our country don't study or go to schools the literacy rate of the country will go down thus affecting the economic growth. So, when water level indicators are used in homes and offices which have a sufficient amount of water to stoping the wastage of water, the water technology will help in providing water to the non-privileged homes as well. Thus the children get time to study helping in the economic growth of the country.
  • 4. It is very much important to educate people regarding the water scarcity and problems that will be faced by people when there is no water available for drinking. Several people use water in large amounts which results in water scarcity. In those cases, water technology such as water level indicators can be used for reminding them about the amount of water they have used. In this way, people will start using the water judiciously thus helping in the economic growth of the nation.

It is the responsibility of each and every person to save water for future use as water cannot be replaced with any other liquid. Water has many uses which makes it one of the most required natural resources. A person can remain hungry for a day but cannot remain thirsty. So, save water for future use by using water technology.

About the Author

Wastewater is an economic resource that is capable of providing water, energy, nutrients, and other important materials.

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Author: Shibani Thakur

Shibani Thakur

Member since: Dec 05, 2021
Published articles: 17

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