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Why Django is the Best Web Framework for Your Project

Author: Tony Garth
by Tony Garth
Posted: Apr 30, 2022

In our previous article, we talked about Python web development and mentioned the Django web framework. Django is considered the best Python web framework, and it’s great for creating database-driven websites. Why use Django for your project? Let’s dig deeper to see how Django became the core Python framework.

Django past and present

Django was created by two programmers working for the Lawrence Journal-World in Kansas. The newspaper needed a web application to publish news online. Eventually, the creators of Django realized that their solution had evolved into a real framework and made it publicly available. Once Django formed a community, its development took off, and the number of websites using Django grew rapidly. Some of the best Django apps include Pinterest, The Washington Post, Dropbox, and Spotify. Every year, there are new applications added to the list of Django Sites. Today, the Django community unites over 11,000 developers across 166 countries.


Django follows the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, making this framework time-efficient. In other words, there’s no need to rewrite existing code because Django allows you to assemble your website like a Lego set. The framework is well-suited for high load systems and can decrease development time thanks to lots of helper objects. This is due to the architecture, which we’ll have a closer look at below.

Why is the MVT architecture important for any Django web application?

Written in pure Python, Django has a clean pythonic structure. It started as a Model–View–Controller (MVC) framework, and this concept still exists in the current version.

The MVC architecture allows developers to change the visual part of an app and the business logic part separately, without their affecting one another. But actually, developers usually refer to Django’s architecture as Model–View–Template (MVT). The three layers (Model, View, and Template) are responsible for different things and can be used independently.


As the Django documentation states, a model is "the single, definitive source of information about your data. It contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data you’re storing." Generally, each model maps to a single database table. There’s hardly an application without a database, and Django officially supports four: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle.

Models contain information about your data and are represented by attributes (fields). Since a model is a simple Python class, it knows nothing about other Django layers. Communication between layers is possible only via an application programming interface (API).

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Full-cycle Web & Mobile applications development

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Author: Tony Garth

Tony Garth

Member since: May 31, 2021
Published articles: 49

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