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Benefits of ppc campaigns

Author: Vishal Widefy
by Vishal Widefy
Posted: Jun 02, 2022

Having hassle convincing your boss or a customer about the advantages of PPC advertising and marketing? Here are seven effective motives to apply PPC advertising.

There are many compelling advantages of PPC advertising and marketing.

Whether you’re trying to convince your boss or a client about the importance of Google Ads (or Microsoft Ads), there’s a compelling case to be made.

For starters, PPC:

  • Offers quick entry.
  • Results are smooth to measure and track.
  • Works nicely with other marketing channels.
  • Provides a wealth of beneficial data.

If you aren’t doing any PPC advertising, you’re surely dropping out on precious traffic and sales.

Need to make a case for PPC advertising?

Here are seven powerful advantages of the usage of PPC.

1. PPC Contributes to Business Goals

This is often the most necessary reason to use PPC marketing.

PPC will let you achieve an enormous number of business and advertising goals.

These goals range from high-level brand publicity and concept management to a hot lead submission or e-commerce sale.

Nearly any sort of conversion goal may be tracked.

PPC is a powerful tool for aligning website traffic to end goal.

In the technology of content marketing, PPC can foster the middle ground of nurturing and serving the middle of the funnel thru advertising and marketing content material downloads, seeking of e-newsletter signups, contest entries, and pushing for app downloads.

PPC can assist many elements of the sales funnel and the path that your users take from awareness to turning into a customer.

Regardless of the set of diagnosed goals, PPC campaigns can be set up efficiently.

2. PPC Is Measurable & Trackable

A most important benefit of PPC advertising run through Google Ads is that it’s easy to measure and track.

Simply use the Google Ads device in aggregate with Google Analytics.

You’ll see performance info, such as impressions, clicks, and conversions (based on the goals set).

There’s no question to your PPC performance.

Stats are simply available and show how your campaigns are appearing and what kind of visitors and effects they drive on your budget.

When you redirect your PPC site visitors to a particular landing pages and track it to conversion with the help of Google Analytics, you can see how much you have spent and what it drove.

No billboard or magazine advertisement can attribute to sales like that.

Plus, you can do more with phone call tracking and isolate your PPC efforts more than you may in SEO, and plenty of different marketing efforts as calls can be a massive blind spot.

3. Quick Entry

Even in case you’re a decade in the back of your competition in jumping into PPC advertising and marketing, you can stand up compete them with a little bit of optimization.

This is mostly a huge evaluation to setting out search engine optimization efforts, which regularly takes a number of time and attention to get the identical positioning and traffic that Google Ads gives you within minutes of launch.

When compared to different channels like e-mail and organic social, you have got the benefit of targeting individuals who are not aware about your brand.

You aren’t limited in your present followers or customer lists.

PPC helps you locate new prospects and clients.

Plus, most of the work is completed in the PPC advertising platform itself – from the research to campaign setup, to writing ad copies.

4.You’re in Control

While there are numerous nuances concerning default campaign settings, you in the end have control over an extensive range of alternatives for reaching potential customers.

This starts with the keywords or placements you select to target and the way restrictive you need to be.

You additionally have numerous budget flexibility if you want to start small.

You can set your very own ad budget and bids, and select what you’re inclined to spend (even though you have to pay at least close to a marketplace rate to play in most instances).

If you see positive outcomes, you can scale up without delay. And if you need to take a break, you may constantly pause and stop your advert spend.

This is hard to do with different ongoing advertising campaigns, giving you the benefit and budget flexibility to move quickly when required or preferred.

Google Ads’ auction and the set of rules involved have the very last say of where your advertisement could be positioned and what you’ll spend while as compared to competition.

The alignment of relevance among your landing pages and the keywords and ad copy can hurt or assist you.

The good news is that you have the flexibility to make short edits and to optimize while your ads are running and attempt new checks every day.

Whether you have a quantity of leads goal, a ROAS goal, spend goal, or other precise goals, you could control in the direction of them and track them with information that is fresh within a day.

5. Unbelievable Targeting Options

Many advertisers take a multi-layered method in Google Ads to test and ensure full coverage across the networks and targeting that could advantage brand exposure.

This ranges from targeting on keywords through textual content advertisements, to strolling advertisements thru re-marketing based on their past behaviours or focusing on precise target audience demographics on the display network.

By test and trial, you could ensure the entire scope of Google Ads is leveraged and that you’re getting as many impressions as possible at the same time as staying focused to the personas on your potential target audience.

Going back to the business goal conversation topic, you could additionally see what plays quality and set expectations on what the tolerance is for value consistent with CPC & CPA to evaluate the different targeting strategies with every other.

Ultimately, the largest benefit of the PPC audience targeting options present is that you are able to reach people who aren’t already in your audience as well as those that have been exposed to your brand.


PPC advertising has tested to be a dependable and profitable channel for B2B, B2C, non-profits, and other businesses looking for quick, quality site visitors and conversions.

Considering all of the advantages PPC gives, there’s little danger in testing it out to look where it may circulate the needle and advantage a wealth of treasured records to tell your other advertising and optimization efforts.


Widefy is one of the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Pune, India. We are an ROI driven Digital Marketing Company in Pune, India which offers end to end Digital Marketing Services in Pune for your Business. We offer SEO Services, PPC Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Web Design Services, and Web Development Services.

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About the Author

Widefy is one of the Best Digital Marketing Services in Pune, India. We are an Roi driven Digital Marketing Agency in Pune, India which offers end to end Digital Marketing Company in Pune for your Business.

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Author: Vishal Widefy

Vishal Widefy

Member since: Mar 14, 2022
Published articles: 2

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