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Diet Tips for Dental Implants Speedy Recovery

Author: Paulo Pinho
by Paulo Pinho
Posted: May 19, 2022

Dental implants can help men and women who are missing a single tooth, a few teeth, or who require a full new set of teeth. This game-changing tooth-replacement device completely restores oral function while also providing patients with a stronger bite and a more attractive smile. Small titanium rods are used to repair lost tooth roots and make Sydney dental implant treatment successful. An abutment will be affixed to the top of the dental implants after they have been inserted. This abutment will keep your new, natural-looking teeth in place for the rest of your life. You should expect certain dietary modifications during your recovery time after your dental implants have been installed. But don't worry—once your affordable dental implants Sydney have fully healed and bonded to your jawbone, you'll no longer be restricted in your diet and will be able to eat everything you want!

Recommended Foods

For the first few days after your dental implant treatment, dentists recommend eating and drinking at room temperature, as anything too hot or cold could irritate the dental implant site.

Protein intake is critical for assisting the healing process. Only soft meals and beverages should be ingested on the day of surgery after dental implant surgery, along with plenty of fluids. Nutrition is recommended by medical specialists for post-operative rehabilitation and recuperation. Proteins play a crucial role in the development and repair of bodily tissues and structures, including teeth. Protein can be found in a variety of soft food sources, including:

  • Soft fruits
  • Soft cheeses
  • Cooked fish
  • Applesauce
  • Smooth peanut butter
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Eggs

Dentists recommend avoiding certain meals and liquids to help your dental implants heal properly. Anything that is overly hot or cold can produce discomfort as well as inflammation. Alcohol should be avoided at all costs, especially if you are taking any prescription medications. Alcohol has the potential to irritate the tissue surrounding the dental implant site.

Foods to avoid after cheap dental implants Sydney surgery include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Spicy foods can contribute to irritation around the dental implant site
  • Chips
  • Nuts
  • Popcorn – popcorn hulls are the primary culprit for cracked teeth and can become lodged between teeth or around your healing implant.
  • Acidic fruits such as orange juice. The acidic content may cause discomfort around the dental implant site.
  • Any gritty, sticky, or difficult-to-chew meals may prevent the production of blood clots, which are necessary for wound healing. Such foods may cause irritation, inflammation, and even bleeding at the dental implant site, as well as causing the implant to be damaged.

Steak, pork chops, and thick crust bread are all examples of foods that take a lot of chewing. Foods that easily crumble or contain seeds should also be avoided, as seeds and fragments of broken food can get caught in the dental implant site. Such circumstances can result in discomfort, inflammation, and infection, all of which impede the healing process. Keep in mind that over-the-counter mouthwash has the potential to obstruct recovery. Following dental surgery, dentists will recommend safe mouth rinses.

The author of this article is an experienced dentist who offers high quality Sydney dental implant treatment. In this article, he has mentioned the diet tips for patients undergone dental implants treatment. Visit

About the Author

Registered Australian dental surgeon, Dr Pinho is highly trained to perform dental implants, safely and efficiently. He is a member of the Australian Dental Association and works closely with leading oral surgeons in both Sydney and Melbourne.

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Author: Paulo Pinho

Paulo Pinho

Member since: Nov 11, 2016
Published articles: 92

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