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4 Rookie Mistakes in Web Design that Could Hurt Your SEO Ranking

Author: Niveditha Jain Niveditha Jain
by Niveditha Jain Niveditha Jain
Posted: May 21, 2022

Whether you’re in the process of building or redesigning your website, there are some mistakes that can seriously hurt your search engine ranking. While these mistakes might be easy to make and not seem like they’re worth worrying about, they can really cause problems down the road if you aren’t careful. Keep reading to find out what mistakes in web design Bay Area you should avoid at all costs if you want to have a successful online presence!

Mistake 1: Your Website isn’t Mobile Friendly:

Did you know a majority of internet searches are done on mobile devices? If your website isn’t designed to look great on both desktop and mobile devices, you could be missing out on potentially thousands of customers each month. Make sure your site is mobile friendly! You can check if it is by going to Google Mobile-Friendly Test.

Be sure that your text size is large enough for mobile users to read easily and ensure your links are working properly for mobile users. This will help keep your SEO strong with high quality traffic from Google search results.

Mistake 2: Improper Image Optimization

Google has a lot of metrics to calculate how your site is performing. One of these metrics is PageSpeed, which gives your website a score based on how fast it loads. Improper image optimization can slow down your page significantly and hurt your search engine ranking! Make sure you’re optimizing images in your web design Bay Area to avoid poor performance in Google’s eyes. Also be sure to use descriptive file names that make sense for your users, instead of just numbers or strings of characters.

Mistake 3: Lack of H1 Tags

Search engines use HTML headings to determine what text to show on a search results page. When you add H1 tags—the largest, most important headings—to each section of your site, you tell search engines what’s most important. Ensure that each web page has an H1 tag and that every section of your site has at least one unique heading.

Mistake 4: Too Many Pop Ups

Having too many pop ups is a big no-no for any web design in San Francisco. If your website has pop up ads, especially if they can’t be closed without leaving or going to another page, you’re putting your business at risk for being removed from search engines like Google and other major search engines. Be careful with how often you place these types of ads on your site as well. The more often you have them, it will hurt your ranking in search engine results pages.

Your website is your business’s face to the world, so you want it to be as good-looking and user-friendly as possible. Be careful about anything you do with web design, so that you can improve your SEO over time. Hiring a web design company in Bay Area specialized in this work is your best bet.

The author is working in a recognized web design company in Bay Area for several years. He often writes about website development and SEO for his readers online. Visit

About the Author

The author is working in a recognized digital marketing agency in Bay Area and has more than 4 years’ experience in the field. In this write-up, he gives an overview of Seo and how it helps businesses. Visit

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Author: Niveditha Jain Niveditha Jain

Niveditha Jain Niveditha Jain

Member since: Oct 06, 2021
Published articles: 18

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