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What Type Of Book Editing Do You Need And When

Author: First Editing
by First Editing
Posted: May 26, 2022

There are many different types of book editing types, including copy editing and proofreading. These two edits are often confused with one another, but they serve very different purposes.

What is the need for Book Editing Services?

Editing your book will help you to make sure it's clear, concise, and free of any mistakes.

What are the types of book editing?

  • Copy Editing:

Grammar editing is used to find grammatical errors, poor writing, and awkward phrases or sentences that might not make sense when read. The editor will edit for tense consistency and make sure all of the forms of a verb match up throughout the manuscript. Copy editing is used for larger projects that are more than 50 pages, like books or manuscripts. It includes everything that grammar editing offers, but it also focuses on clarity more so than grammar. Copy editing involves making the text consistent with a style guide or formatting guidelines (for example, the Associated Press Style Guide). A copy editor might make changes to sentence structures and word choices when they feel it would improve readability or clarity.

  • Proofreading:

Proofreading is used to catch any mistakes that may have been missed in the editing process. It also corrects typos, spelling, and consistent grammar. In fact, it's a great way for authors to catch their own mistakes too!

  • Copy Editing Services with Writing Support:

This is a hybrid use of both copy editing and proofreading. The author will work directly with the editor to make sure everything is correct before submitting the book for publishing. The main goal here is to create a quality book that won't get rejected by editors or agents.

  • Line Editing:

Line editing adds structure and direction to a book. It's a more involved process that focuses on things like the plot, characters, pacing, theme, and the overall story arc. It's used when writers are already comfortable with the structure of their manuscript but may not have considered some elements of writing that make a good story great.

  • Editorial Consultation:

An editorial consultation is just what it sounds likeā€”an editor will meet with you one-on-one to make specific corrections based on your manuscript and where you want your book to be. This is often used for memoirs or business books since they often need more than proofreading services to get them ready for publishing.


There are various types of book editing that can be done to make your book the best it can be. The most important thing is to know what you need and when you need it. Knowing that can make all the difference.

First Editing offers a free consultation service to help you decide whether you need proofreading, copy editing, or line editing.

About the Author

For more information about Editing Services visit our website

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Author: First Editing

First Editing

Member since: Sep 01, 2021
Published articles: 31

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