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Will AI (Artificial intelligence) be Blessing or Curse to Living things?

Author: Bhushan Mundhe
by Bhushan Mundhe
Posted: Jul 08, 2022

What is AI?

Simulation of human intelligence processes by Computer is Artificial intelligence.

AI systems work by consumption of big amounts of labeled training data, examining the data for connections and designs, using these designs to make predictions about upcoming states. In this way, a chatbot that is fed samples of text chats can learn to produce realistic exchanges with people, or an image recognition tool can study to identify and label objects in images by studying millions of examples.

AI programming focuses on 3 cognitive skills:

  1. Learning - acquiring data and setting rules to perform data into actionable information. Rules are called algorithm.
  2. Reasoning – Selecting the right algorithm to get desire outcome.
  3. Self-correction – Re-tuning the algorithm and ensure it provide accurate result.

How AI came into existence?

Alan Turing, Who find out the mathematical possibility of artificial intelligence.

John McCarthy coined the term artificial intelligence, in 1958 McCarthy invented computer programming language LISP. After significant role in defining the area of AI McCarthy was called Father of Artificial intelligence.

1971 he received the award from Association for Computing Machinery

1988 Kyoto Prize was awarded.

1990 he received award National Medal of Science in Statistical, Computational Sciences, and Mathematics by the United States of America.

2003 Franklin Institute awarded him Benjamin Franklin Medal in Cognitive Science and Computers.

Types of AI

AI categorized according to their capacity to adopt human characteristics and there uses in real world application.

All real and hypothetical Artificial intelligence comes under this 3 category:

  1. ANI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence)
  2. AGI (Artificial general Intelligence)
  3. ASI (Artificial super Intelligence)

ANI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence): It is refer as weak or narrow AI, it is goal oriented that is designed to perform single task like driving car, face recognition, voice assistants, speech recognition and browsing the Internet. It cannot replicate human Intelligence it can only simulate human behavior

Examples of ANI are Drone robot, Alexa by Amazon, Siri by Apple, Cortana by Microsoft, facial recognition software, Rankbrain by Google.

AGI (Artificial general Intelligence): It is refer as strongest Ai or Deep AI, It’s a concept of machine that has general Intelligence which can copy Human intelligence. It is capable of understanding, thinking and acting in a way that is indistinguishable to humans in any given situation. It focuses not only on replication or simulation, but truly understanding humans.

Examples of AGI is a supercomputer. Mankind has not achieve AGI yet and it’s hard to achieve in near future.

ASI (Artificial super Intelligence): It’s the AI which exceed the capability of human intelligence & be self-aware. Concept of ASI is beside replicating human intelligence it will far better than humans in area like Math, Science, sports, art, emotional relationships, hobbies or simply everything.

Uses of AI

Web search - Search engine learns from vast data to provide relevant data to the users.

Machine translations - Language translation software are depended on AI to improve and update with time.

Digital personal assistants – Smartphones use AI to give service that are personalized as possible.

Cars – Cars use AI powered safety functions, and many cars are self-driving.

Cyber security – AI helps fight back cyber-attack and cyber threats based on tracking input data and pattern.

Fighting disinformation – Some AI help finding fake news by mining social media info.

Health – Researcher have developed AI for answering emergency calls.

Manufacturing – Robots are doing all the hazardous and heavy work which is not possible by humans.

And there are many uses of AI in our daily work.

To know more click on the link:

About the Author

Professionally digital marketer. Learner and spreading awareness of what i have learned.

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Author: Bhushan Mundhe

Bhushan Mundhe

Member since: May 27, 2022
Published articles: 9

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