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Real Estate Investment? Here Are Some Challenges To Look Out For!

Author: Dynamix Group
by Dynamix Group
Posted: Jul 28, 2022

It’s no secret that real estate is a popular option for investments and monetary growth as historically and even to the present day, land has allure; additionally, real estate serves as promising future security in personal capacity. However, investing in real estate comes with its own set of challenges that are worth examining.

  • Timing:

If you are looking at investing in real estate, it’s worth keeping an eye on the market. Real Estate is a volatile market- sometimes you can expect stellar returns and other times you may be caught up in a project for years and see almost no appreciation at all (however, that is often dictated by another factor which we will get into). Understanding the best time to invest in real estate is usually when interest rates are lower and the valuations are appropriate- remember, the market tends to correct at some point. It’s worth speaking to a financial advisor or doing some research before considering the correct time to invest.

  • Investing In The Wrong Project:

There is no dearth of housing projects in Mumbai for you to choose from, however not all projects are built the same. Yes, they all seem to have the same amenities and enticing bells and whistles that make them so appealing to buyers; but we’re talking location.

Location, accessibility, traffic these things heavily impact the return on your investment. You may be looking at luxurious flats in Mumbai, and who can blame you? But if reaching your luxurious flat is a task, if all you hear when you open the window is the rumble of traffic and incessant honking of people trying to get through, is that luxury?

  • The Developer:

As with everything in real estate, the developer in question plays a significant role. Seasoned developers know the pitfalls of promising too much, they understand the value they add, they know how to get the job done. Certain developers who fall prey to committing too much are at risk of having their projects take longer to complete, or stall at inconveniences that our markets have faced. Once a project has come to a halt, its value is impacted. There are a number of residential projects in Mumbai that fall on either side of that coin. Sometimes bigger isn’t always better. Consider the thought behind the planning instead of the glitz of it.

  • Uncertainty:

Oftentimes there are factors outside the control of the developers, that are often governmental mandates and changes that are introduced which can impact the progress of a project. In times of regulatory changes, it can be difficult to convince yourself to tie your hard earned money into real estate, however, it is also worth remembering that you can take time to make the decision that is best for you, but also that the developers in each instance are bound to fulfil their commitment to completing your home. If you’ve tied up your funds in any project, the developer is obligated, come rain or shine, to deliver you your 2BHK house in Thane, or your 3BHK flat in Malad.

Investing in real estate can be a daunting experience for the most seasoned investor; it’s a difficult market where the risks and rewards are high, albeit, not in equal measure. Much like all things in this world, there are options and alternatives- some investments are tangible, others are numbers in an account, but one thing is hard to ignore- land offered protection to early man, status to noblemen, and financial security to the modern man; land has been the investment of choice since time immemorial.

About the Author

We are a renowned real estate developer with 50 years legacy, developing apartments and villas across Mumbai, Thane, and Goa

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Author: Dynamix Group

Dynamix Group

Member since: Apr 25, 2021
Published articles: 35

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