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SCPLH Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders

Author: Hurak Learning
by Hurak Learning
Posted: Jul 29, 2022

The Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH) is a qualification that allows you to apply for a personal licence to sell alcohol in Scotland.

To be eligible for the SCPLH, you must:

  • Be 18 years of age or over

  • Have a valid photo ID (passport or driving licence)

  • Be a resident of Scotland

  • Not have any convictions for relevant offences* in the past 5 years

Once you have completed the SCPLH, you can then apply for a personal licence from your local authority. A personal licence allows you to sell alcohol in licensed premises in Scotland.

If you are interested in applying for the Scplh, please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with more information.

Why do I need Scottish Personal Licence?

If you wish to sell or supply alcohol in Scotland, you must hold a valid personal licence. A personal licence authorises the holder to supply alcohol from any premises licensed for that purpose.

You can apply for a SCPLH Scottish Personal Licence if you are 18 years of age or over and have held a Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH) for at least 5 years. You will also need to have been resident in Scotland for at least 6 months prior to applying for the licence.

Personal licences are issued by your local authority and are valid for 10 years. If you move to another area, you will need to notify the new local authority of your change of address.

What do I need to do to apply for a personal licence?

To apply for a personal licence, you must:

  • Complete an application form

  • Provide 2 passport-sized photographs of yourself, one of which must be endorsed as a true likeness by a solicitor or notary public, Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Oaths, or Sheriff Officer

  • Pay the application fee

  • Send your completed application form, photographs and fee to your local authority

  • Your local authority will then carry out background checks and may contact you to ask for additional information. Once these checks are complete, your local authority will issue you with a personal licence.

What are the conditions of a personal licence?

A personal licence holder must:

  • Notify the licensing board of any changes to their name, address or other contact details within 28 days

  • Notify the licensing board if they are convicted of any relevant offence* within 28 day

  • Surrender their personal licence to the licensing board if they are convicted of a relevant offence* and sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding 3 months

  • If you hold a personal licence and move to another area, you must notify the new local authority of your change of address.

*Relevant offences include any offence relating to the sale of alcohol, violence, disorder or drug use/supply.

About the Author

Hurak is an online and offline training provider with over 12 years of experience in compliance training we have grown tremendously. We offer training covering over 10 different sectors, specializing in providing approved and accredited qualification

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Author: Hurak Learning

Hurak Learning

Member since: Apr 14, 2022
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