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Vacant Land Insurance? Do You Need One?

Author: Blue Well
by Blue Well
Posted: Sep 02, 2022

If you own property, you're probably aware that your property owner's insurance generally covers the structures and personal belongings on your property. Is this to say that land without structures or homes does not require insurance?

Sadly, no.

Indeed, even void land poses risks from an insurance standpoint. The question that all landowners should ask themselves is whether the risks require the purchase of land insurance.

Generally, it's a wise choice — especially if you have no way of keeping intruders out. From a legal standpoint, it is not uncommon for an intruder to sue and win for injuries or accidents that occur on your property. In this regard, it's not uncommon for colleagues and friends to sue each other. The main point is that, even with vacant land, vacant land insurance can protect you from unanticipated potential outcomes.

What is vacant land insurance?

Vacant land insurance is fundamentally a type of liability insurance. It exists to protect you if someone is injured on your property, which means it will cover their medical expenses as well as your legitimate charges.

The land or any designs on it are not protected by liability insurance. It is unquestionably risk insurance.

How much is vacant land insurance?

In comparison to other types of insurance, purchasing vacant land insurance is not expensive. Every month, a $1-$2 million strategy will cost less than $100. Most landowners prefer this type of insurance because of the level of security it provides.

The cost of vacant land insurance is determined by a variety of factors, including how much insurance you require, the size of your territory, what the property is used for, and any known risks on the property (like a profound pit or revealed well).

Do I really want vacant land insurance?

You are not legally required to have vacant land insurance, but whatever protects you and your speculation from suit or clinical costs is extremely prudent. If people spend a lot of time on your property for activities like hunting or fishing, you should think about it. You can never be too prepared for the unexpected.

Reasons you might require vacant land insurance

So, what could happen on a vacant lot? Here are a few examples of risks and how vacant land insurance can help in each situation.


Purchasing land insurance is a good idea if you allow hunters on your property. In addition to hunters carrying guns on your property, there is an increased risk due to distance traveled and various types of hunting gear. For example, a New Hampshire hunter fell from a tree due to a defective tree stand and then sued the landowner for negligence. The claim was later dropped due to discrepancies in the arraignment's claim, but legal fees aren't cheap. If you are deemed obligated, you will almost certainly be held accountable for the two players' legitimate costs in addition to any claim or ensure payout.This is where having land insurance can make all the difference — and every penny in your pocket. Because it is liability-related, it may cover some legal expenses. As previously stated, even if you were unaware of the problem, you are still at risk. As a landowner, you are responsible for educating guests about potential risks, staying current with support and upkeep, and performing routine risk assessments. If people will be on your property under any circumstances, inform visitors that they will assume full responsibility if warnings are ignored.


We should anticipate a lake or stream on your property with excellent fishing. You allow people to fish on it, but you are aware that there is a deceptive path leading to your lake. As a fisherman makes his way to the lake, he slips and snarls his companion in the face like a fish. There are two injured parties, and you may be held liable for their injuries because the path is your property. Furthermore, if guests pay expenses, you are significantly more liable than if they enter without paying. If you're regarded as trustworthy, land insurance can help cover hospital expenses and possibly any claim options (up to a certain limit).


With nice weather on the way, opening up space for recreationists may entice. Hikers, even when unarmed and on two legs, pose a risk. If you believe that parts of your territory's landscape are dangerous, you reduce your responsibility by removing the risk or pointing it out. An old, fell stable may look appealling to hikers looking for information, but it could mean a claim for you if it falls on the explorer. In any case, recall that land insurance may not cover structures on your property.

People walking by

If your property is near other provincial homes or a town, it's understandable that some people will use it as a public course. Indeed, even if you do not have your permission and do not have road signs, you are still liable. While you are not required to make vacant land "safe," you may not intentionally harm intruders. Furthermore, if you cannot locate the source, you may be held liable for any damage caused by intruders. For example, if someone flicks a cigarette, torching 5 acres of established pine trees, that is your loss; however, with land insurance, you may be protected against such losses.

The size of your property doesn't make any difference. Perhaps you allow visitors, perhaps you don't, or perhaps you truly believe that people will use your property. In any case, land insurance is the insured option. It can help pay for legal fees, hospital bills, and various types of property destruction, and obtaining it may be as simple as renewing land owners insurance contracts.

About the Author

Bluewell insurance brokers provide contractors insurance that is specifically designed to protect your company from financial losses of any kind.

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Author: Blue Well

Blue Well

Member since: Jun 07, 2022
Published articles: 31

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