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What are some myths and facts about insomnia?

Author: Ramesh Sharma
by Ramesh Sharma
Posted: Sep 08, 2022

Insomnia is a rest disorder in which people either fail to fall asleep or wake up frequently through the night. Some patients with this condition also complain about waking up too early in the morning. The good news for those wondering how to treat insomnia is that several cures are available. People can try medications, lifestyle changes, or cognitive behavioural therapy to improve. People who would like to know more about insomnia should check out these facts and myths associated with this condition. Here you go!

Myths and facts about insomnia

  1. A drink can help you fall asleep:

Myth: In insomnia, people have to deal with sleep-associated problems. Many people believe that one of the simplest ways to cure the disorder is to have a drink before bed. But, this is not true. While drinking might make you fall asleep faster, it doesn’t guarantee good-quality rest. In fact, people who have alcohol before drifting off complain of disturbed and restless sleep.

2. Insomnia happens because of mental issues:

Myth: Several people dealing with insomnia have stress as the primary cause of sleepless nights. Other psychological problems like depression or anxiety problems may also lead to a lack of sleep. However, this is not all. Insomnia can also develop in people because of poor sleep hygiene, drug side effects, restless legs syndrome, and sleep apnea.

3. Exercise helps you fall asleep:

Fact: It is true that people who cannot fall asleep despite the time and opportunity should exercise regularly. Working out can make you tired and stimulate better sleep. However, you should make it a point to not exercise too late at night. It can make you more alert and increase your body temperature. Thus, try to complete your workout two to three hours before going to sleep.

4. Less screen time can help you wind down:

Fact: While it is tempting to watch TV or scroll through your phone right before bedtime, it is not good for your sleep. The light and noise can decrease your melatonin levels and prevent you from falling asleep. Thus, stop engaging with screens at least an hour before bed.

5. Sleep aids do not cause harm:

Myth: Although the meds nowadays are comparatively safer than the ones you could find in the past, they can still lead to side effects. Also, sleep aids are temporary solutions as they only offer momentary relief. With medication, there is also the risk of dependency. For this reason, insomnia patients are advised to consult their healthcare experts before starting on sleep drugs.

6. You should get out of bed if you can’t sleep:

Truth: If you have been tossing and turning in the bed for a while, then the best approach is to get up and leave. You can go and read a book or listen to some soothing music. Doing so is recommended because staying in bed can lead to frustration and clock-watching. As a result, you may eventually learn to associate bed with wakefulness instead of rest.

So, these are some facts and myths associated with insomnia.

About the Author

I'm Rakesh Sharma, being alone at home and doing household work on my own, I got very much interested in Home Entertainment.chiller,standing ac, and central ac

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Author: Ramesh Sharma

Ramesh Sharma

Member since: Dec 16, 2020
Published articles: 26

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