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NDIS SIL Service in Victoria, Melbourne, TAS, QLD | NDIS Respite Care in Victoria, Melbourne, TAS,

Author: Aussie Lifecare
by Aussie Lifecare
Posted: Sep 17, 2022

People with disabilities can lead independent lives with the help of the right kind of support. They can become highly valued employees, homeowners and active members of their community if the system is inclusive and accessible. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has brought tremendous changes in this regard and has changed the lives of millions of differently-abled individuals. Being able to live on their own is an important milestone in the lives of many. The NDIS has made it possible for people with disabilities through various home and living support services.

NDIS SIL Support( NDIS SIL support in VIC, TAS, QLD) through which participants can access paid personal assistance for cooking meals, household chores and personal care needs. This is a support that helps them live independently either on their own or with other participants who also have SIL funding in their NDIS plan. This is a support that helps participants with higher support needs to move out from under their family’s care and live as independent adults. When it comes to SIL, the focus is also on building the skills of the participants in taking care of themselves and their living environment. The rent of your house, utility bills and other living expenses such as groceries and transportation costs are not

covered under SIL. Your registered NDIS service provider can walk you through what is funded under SIL and what is not.

Aussie Life Care can help you connect with your ideal living option where you can access all the required supports and services to live independently and build your confidence in yourselves. We have highly trained support workers who can take care of all your health care needs and ensure a smooth SIL experience. Contact us today to know more about the benefits of Supported Independent Living.

NDIS Supported Independent Living (SIL) Service in Victoria, QLD, TAS, Melbourne

Living in a home of your choice is an important step towards being an independent individual. But people with disabilities face a lot of obstacles in their search for home and living options as they need a living environment where they can easily access the necessary support required to manage their daily lives. Supported Independent Living is a home and living support funded under the NDIS that has helped differently-abled individuals with higher support needs to move out of the homes of their loved ones and live in a place that they have always wanted without any apprehensions about compromising their disability needs. Supported Independent Living involves assistance with everyday responsibilities like personal care, food preparation, behaviour support, medication management, help with health appointments and support to access community engagement activities depending on the NDIS plan of the participant.

As a registered NDIS service provider in Victoria,Aussie Life Care can help you design a highly customised and unique support plan that will not only develop your capabilities but enable you to live as independently as possible. You can access other NDIS home and living options as well through Aussie Life Care. Contact us today and find out whether Supported Independent Living is the right choice for you or not.

Find the home that suits your need here, Contact us to know more about NDIS SIL Services.

About the Author

A registered Ndis provider based in Victoria, Aussie Life Care is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to reach new heights of recovery by delivering goal oriented disability supports.

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Author: Aussie Lifecare

Aussie Lifecare

Member since: Sep 14, 2022
Published articles: 9

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