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Wholesale License Pharmacy and Benefits of Using a Pharmacy Management Solution

Author: Yuonne Craig
by Yuonne Craig
Posted: Dec 17, 2014

For an error-free management of all wholesale license pharmacy, ATL Systems has created the cloud-based pharmacy wholesale system. The solution is designed to help the UK pharmacies better manage and have full control over their daily transactions from arrival of the stocks to departure.

ATL Systems is a leading healthcare software providing company in the UK. The company has always created products that would help the clients operate in compliance with GDP regulations. Pharmacy management software leads to better management and control over the wholesale operation of your pharmacy. It has been created based on MHRA best practice requirements.

The pharmacies in the UK particularly the large ones have the problem of properly managing and controlling their day to day warehouse operations. All stocks need to be kept up to date and no dead stocks should exist. Wholesale license pharmacy looks forward to having a robust application that would help to keep all stocks up-to-date and have complete control over the movement of pharmaceutical stock.

Using just one single system, pharmacies can have better control over their wholesale pharmacy process. The wholesale software provides security, control, auditing and real-time tracking of all stocks reducing the likelihood of errors compared to maintaining excel spreadsheets. The ATL wholesale software ensures every client is compliant with the MHRA best practice guideline, and manage their business flawlessly. With this software, you can create real-time audit reports of who did what and when and have effective control over your pharmaceutical stock from arrival to departure with full records.

One of the main features of this cloud-based software is that it is 100% safe and secured for use by the UK wholesale license pharmacy. All confidential information and data is kept secured without chances of falling into wrong hands. The online system uses Microsoft Windows Platforms for giving high security. Furthermore, ATL Systems make annual declarations to the NHS Information Governance body which looks after information security and data protection standards.

The pharmacy management software is cloud based and hosted on servers based at a UK Fast data centre. The data centre is ISO 27001 certified and abides by the international information security management system standard for maximum physical and logical security.

UK pharmacies can have full control over their inventory by investing in cost-effective and highly scalable pharmacy management software. Scalability ensures the application can be tailor made to meet the requirements of a growing pharmacy business. The system has also been designed to minimise risk and disruption, and improve on stock level control by having a clear view of the supply chain network.

The online application provides the visibility of inventory levels including forecast, orders, usage, shipments and receipts. You can easily generate sales orders, picking notes, invoices, etc. using this easy to use pharmacy management solution. One of the main benefits of using this system is that it reduces costs of employing extra staff to manage inventory manually. With a few clicks of the computer mouse, a pharmacist can have full control over his operations and make his customers happy and improve relationships with them.

Author Bio :

The writer is an expert in the field of Wholesale License Pharmacy with focus on Wholesale Distribution Software

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This Article Is Written By a Professional Author

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Author: Yuonne Craig

Yuonne Craig

Member since: Sep 26, 2014
Published articles: 41

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