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How Solar Panels Work: The Science Behind Going Green

Author: Billy Davis
by Billy Davis
Posted: Oct 17, 2022

When it comes to environmentally-friendly energy options, solar power has become one of the top choices. Solar panels are fairly easy to understand, but you might be wondering how do solar systems Newcastle work? You’ve probably seen them on the roof of someone’s home or even in your own backyard, but how does this technology actually harness the power of the sun? It can help to understand exactly what these panels are and what they do before you make your decision as to whether or not you should install solar panels at your own home.

The Science Behind Photovoltaics

Photovoltaic solar cells are made of semiconductor material, such as silicon. When light (photons) strikes a semiconductor such as silicon, it can release an electron and generate a flow of electricity. The more photons that strike the cell, the more electrons are released and the greater the current produced. Silicon is used in photovoltaic cells because it has four valence electrons that can be donated to create an electric field when exposed to light.

Types of Solar Panels

Different types of solar panels Newcastle exist, each with their own advantages.

-Monocrystalline panels are made from a single crystal of silicon and offer the best performance in low light conditions or for projects that need to produce high amounts of energy. However, these can be more expensive than other types.

-Polycrystalline panels are made from multiple crystals and work well in many different situations. They tend to be less expensive than monocrystalline panels but they also have lower efficiency rates comparing monocrystalline.

How to Install Solar Panel Systems in Your Home

Installing solar panel systems in your home can be a great way to take advantage of renewable energy. The steps are fairly straightforward, but you should hire the best solar installers Newcastle for solar panel installation.

  1. Find the sunniest place on your roof and measure how much space you have available.
  2. Determine what type of panels will best fit the space, paying attention to efficiency.
  3. Purchase or order the panels from an installer or manufacturer who will deliver them and do installation at your house.
  4. Have an electrician come over for final wiring and inspection before turning them on.
  5. Follow instructions from the company about when to turn off power during inclement weather so that any remaining power is stored by the battery instead of used.
  6. Enjoy your new clean energy!

The Bottom Line

Solar panels have become increasingly popular over the last decade or so, and many homeowners have decided to add them to their homes in order to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, save money and protect the environment. Hope, this blog gives you an introduction to solar panels and how they work so you can decide whether they’re right for your home.

About the Author

The author is the founder of a reputed solar company in Sydney. coupled with some of the most efficient solar panels central coast on the market. Visit for more details.

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Author: Billy Davis

Billy Davis

Member since: May 10, 2022
Published articles: 27

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