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Best portable gaming device: choose from console, pc, or mobile

Author: Zuber Shaikh
by Zuber Shaikh
Posted: Oct 17, 2022

Gaming is the act of playing electronic games or video games whether on consoles, PC, or smartphones. The introduction of new handheld gaming consoles has made it a lot easier to play games at any time of the day, be it day, night, or midnight. Games are essential for humans as they help in improving human learning skills, social skills, and decision-making skills. People nowadays prioritize convenience over all else, so video games outnumber outdoor games in popularity.


The PS5 and XBOX Series, NINTENDO switch, and PS4 are some phenomenal gaming consoles for you to play at your home. All these gaming consoles are excellent machines. The Xbox Series S is the most cost-effective way to enter the current generation of gaming consoles. If we talk about it, Nintendo Switch, XBOX Series, and PS5 are convenient at home because you have to connect them to a TV or PC in order to play games. Therefore, these devices are not portable at all. They can only be played at home. In 1976, Mattle seemingly invented the first version of handheld gaming consoles, long before the invention of smartphones.


With the advancement of technology, even gaming consoles have been modernized. The new hand-held gaming consoles are more advanced than the ones people used to play from 1976-2000. It has come a long way. In the era of ninety's, there used to be small hand-held gaming consoles with narrow screens and just two buttons. You could only play one game at a time. Nowadays, if we compare the handheld of 2022, they are much more advanced. Game development services have invented some more advanced and skillful games in these 10-15 years. Handheld gaming consoles are more in demand since they are portable, you can play games anytime, anywhere, even while traveling. They are lightweight machines that are easy to carry in a pocket. Nintendo Switch is the best handheld gaming machine gamers have bought the most in the past few years, due to its unique abilities. However, mobiles and smartphones are still preferred more, than hand-held gaming consoles.


We all are aware of the fact that smartphones have made lives easier. The game selection on smartphones running Android and iOS is likewise very large. You open a play store or an apple store, download a game of your choice, and within the next few minutes, you can play your game. Mobiles are suitable for any kind of gaming since it allows you to connect to your socials and play with your friends. Also, smartphones are pocket-sized and easy to carry. Moreover, mobiles have long-lasting battery timings. If you will compare a phone and a handheld gaming console, you will see differences in battery timings. Nintendo Switch can work for 4-6 hours only, whereas, on a phone, you can play for 9-12 hours, straight. Many GAME DEVELOPMENT SERVICES are converting their PC games to mobile because of mobile’s better performances. GAME development companies created world-top games like call of duty mobile and PUBG due to the convenience of playing games in smartphones rather than on Personal computers and gaming consoles.

What are some difficulties you can face while playing games on a smartphone?

When you play world-top games like PUBG or CALL OF DUTY. You connect with new people on daily basis due to the introduction of multiplayer. If you are a gamer, you must have experienced some toxic communities while playing these two games. The people in the game sometimes start blaming you for their issues, if not, they will start abusing you or will make annoying noises on the microphone that basically shifts your focus. This is the biggest con of playing an online game on mobile. When you are playing games on your mobile, possibilities are that you might receive calls and messages. This will distract you the most. Furthermore, when you are playing games on a smartphone device, it requires high-speed internet so playing games could be a lot difficult in case of having a poor internet or slow internet connection.

What are the perks of using handheld gaming consoles?

Playing games on gaming consoles are quite easier and more comfortable than playing games on smartphones or personal computer, but to some extent only. Handheld gaming consoles don’t require you to have a high-speed internet connection, so that counts as a perk. Also, it is not your personal phone, so you don’t get to receive calls or messages. The biggest bonus is, that playing games or handheld gaming consoles do not distract you. It is portable. Nowadays, people prefer playing games on their mobiles, rather than playing on personal computers and gaming consoles.


If you are a gamer and want a device to stay with you all the time, then a portable handheld gaming consoler is good for you, but carrying both a smartphone and a gaming consoler is not convenient. Also, it is heavy on your pocket as well. If you can afford it, it is good. In case of not comfortable carrying a handheld gaming console, you can switch to your phone Aswell. There are some changes required, go for a flagship device and a third-party controller. Furthermore, you can pick a gaming phone as well, it can help you increase your gaming experience on your phone. If you have an old phone at your home, you can reboot it and can make it your gaming device by making the changes stated above. The best gaming device is the one that gives you a great experience.

Summary: everything in this world has its pros and cons, However, playing games on handheld gaming consoles have more pros and fewer cons than playing games on a mobile phone. If you can afford a good handheld gaming console, go get one!

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I am zuber from India. Share Online Marketing & SEO Experience.

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Author: Zuber Shaikh

Zuber Shaikh

Member since: Feb 21, 2019
Published articles: 4

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