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How The Best Podiatrist in Jupiter Fl Will Treat Flat Feet?

Author: Jupiter Laser
by Jupiter Laser
Posted: Oct 23, 2022

When there are fallen arches, you will know that you have developed flat feet. In this case, people don’t have any arches on the inside of the feet. When the feet touch the floor, the total sole lies flat.

The best podiatrist in Jupiter FL will treat this condition through various methods.

While for the toddlers the arches are still in the developing stage, the condition is very normal. In childhood, the arches start to develop more.

There can be wear – and tear on the tendons and injury, which forces the non – development of arches. Before going to the treatment, you need to check the development of a flat foot and diagnosis by the podiatrists as well.

Development of flat feet

When you see a human foot, the foot has twenty-six various bones, which are bound by thirty-three joints. There are over a hundred muscles, ligaments, and tendons. While distributing the body weight across the legs and feet, as the arches provide a spring to the step.

The walking of a person is determined by the arches. While adopting various surfaces, the arches will need to be flexible and sturdy. You will not be able to walk and stand properly and your feet will roll if you have flat feet.

You will need to undergo flat feet treatment in Jupiter Fl so that you can cure your condition. While your feet turn outward, the condition is overpronation. While there are no generalized symptoms, you will feel that there are certain symptoms for flat feet.


When you develop flat feet, you will find that there are different–sized arches. You will need to check with the podiatrists and confirm the condition. It would be effective for you to wear the shoes that you often wear when you are visiting the specialist. The specialist will perform the ultrasound or MRI, along with CT scans and X- rays, as one needs to determine the location and source of the pain.

Treatments For Flat Feet

There will be no worry for you having flat feet if there is no pain. But due to alignment issues, there can be problems with the knees and ankles. There can be swelling and pain in the ankles, during the time of activity.

There are some treatments, which can be recommended by the doctor if you have discomfort with flat feet.

Arch Support

While there will be additional support to your footwear, arch support will improve your comfort level. While the support will stop the development of additional problems, orthotic devices can help to correct structural abnormalities or gait.

If there is arch support, it will not affect your limbs and spine. The orthotic devices are custom–made, as they will give sufficient support to your feet, for flat feet.

Supportive Shoes

It is seen most of the shoes are made for general people in the market. When you have flat feet, you will need shoes with extra padding. You will need to use shoes that should have extra padding to give you comfort.

Stretching Exercises

The podiatrist will give you stretching exercises, as you need to strengthen your feet muscles. Your feet will be able to carry your weight easily if you have strong muscles. You can practice simple foot exercises at home when you consult a podiatrist for flat foot problems. The specialists will give you short foot exercises that will support the small muscles. You need to hold your position for a few seconds when you are sitting down. At the same time, you need to slide your foot back toward your heel without lifting it.

Podiatrists in Jupiter will give you calf stretching exercises that will activate calf muscles in your legs. You need to put stress on your calf, as you perform the lunging exercises. The specialists will also suggest heel-raising exercises that will help you to improve the flat feet condition. The podiatrists will give you heel-raising exercises as well.

Surgical Options

You will need to ask your podiatrists whether you need to undergo surgery if your flat foot condition is getting worse, and orthotics, shoes and physical therapy is not at all working. The surgeons will do the CT scan so that they can get a better idea of your soft tissues. The specialists will recommend surgery if the cases are very severe and your flat feet have been developed by the tarsal coalition.

The surgeons will do the flat feet surgery in Jupiter Fl will perform the surgery with very good precision. There will be a good effect on your normal activities, once the surgery is done.

Recovery Time

The recovery is dependent on the type of surgery that you are undergoing. While you can take weeks to recover, the recovery can occur in months as well.

Final Thoughts

When you are experiencing flat feet condition, podiatrists will try a lot of non–surgical ways to treat it. If the results are not fruitful, they will do surgery as the last option.
About the Author

Jupiter Laser and Regenerative Medicine LLC is located in Jupiter, FL, United States and is part of the Other Ambulatory Health Care Services Industry.

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Author: Jupiter Laser

Jupiter Laser

Member since: Mar 22, 2022
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