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Know How to Make Customers Stay and Shop with Visual Merchandising

Author: Preben Paulsen
by Preben Paulsen
Posted: Oct 23, 2022

Visual merchandising is the art and science of creating an environment in which customers want to shop, consume and be entertained. It involves the placement of products, merchandising solutions and other elements inside and outside a retail store that make it appealing to customers. Visual merchandising includes all aspects related to how goods are displayed, from selection and arrangement to product display, package design and graphics.

In retail stores visual merchandising is used for:
  • Attracting customers into the store by creating an attractive environment that encourages them to stay longer or buy more than they otherwise would have done;
  • Making sure that products are sourced from reliable shop fitting manufacturers and look appealing when compared against each other on shelves or counters;
  • Providing more information about products/services through signs/labeling which can be easily read from a distance away while browsing through items within stores' premises;
Why Visual Merchandising?

Visual merchandising involves creating visual adornments that enhance and extend the brand image to attract attention from potential customers. It has been used since ancient times, with some examples being found in Roman times, when statues were carved out of stone depicting scenes from mythological stories. These were displayed on pillars in front of buildings as symbols of power and strength (a continuation today).

Merchandising Solutions an important part of a business's identity. It allows you to differentiate yourself from competitors, and can be used to create a compelling visual appeal. Visual merchandising is about more than just aesthetics; it’s about creating an experience for your customers that will help them associate your brand with quality products, services and experiences.

The role and importance of visual merchandising must not be underestimated by salespeople and retailers. Many retail businesses fail because they have failed to differentiate themselves from others. This differentiation can only be done when something unique is offered to customers that makes them want to come back again and again through window display strategies or a strong identity which can later be associated with the products or services that they offer.

Customers are more likely to choose a store that is visually well displayed. A healthy, attractive display can catch the attention of the customer enough for them to go in and browse through the products. Visual merchandising also gives shoppers a reason to visit your store rather than some other place. Also, do not hesitate to check with your local shop fitting manufacturers for more ideas and assistance.

There are several ways to use merchandising solutions:

Displaying products on tables or counters, so that they can be easily seen by customers when they walk in through your doors. This type of display might include cases with candy bars, shelves with bottles of perfume, displays for vegetables (for example) etc..

Aisles which allow people to browse around at their leisure; this allows them more time than just trying out one item at a time because space allows them room for multiple looks without having to wait too long before getting back into action again!

Fixtures are a key part of visual merchandising. They're used to display the product, and can be designed to make it look attractive. There are many different types of fixtures, including racks and displays that hang from walls or ceilings; pedestals on which products rest; tables with drawers for holding sample boxes; and so on. The fixtures should always be bought from dependable shop fitting manufacturers, be well-designed and easy to use—you don't want customers spending too much time looking at them!

How does Visual Merchandising work?

Visual Merchandising is a complicated process that involves many different factors. The physical location of the merchandise, the way it's displayed, how it's lit and packaged—all these things play a role in determining what customers think about your brand. The first step toward visual merchandising is deciding where to put your products on display. Once you've decided where to put your items on display: here are some tips for making sure they're visually appealing:

  • Use high-quality photographs instead of stock images since these will look more realistic than generic ones;
  • Use contrasting colors like reds against blues or yellows against greens;
  • Avoid using too much white space around any objects so that there aren't any distractions from reading text;
  • Consider putting pricing information next to each item so consumers know how much money they need for purchasing something without having too much extra work involved."

Visual merchandising is a marketing strategy used to display an organization’s merchandise or services in such a way that encourages the customers to buy or use the product or service. It works on the basic principles of human perception and appeals to our sense of sight, smell and touch. The products are arranged, showcased and displayed so as to attract attention. An array of different techniques is used such as color, lighting, shapes and patterns, both natural and artificial to create a compelling visual appeal.


The main principles of visual merchandising are to be able to create a compelling display and offer it to customers. It is also important for you to know how your store looks like from the inside so that you can make an impression on them as well when they walk through the door. This will help you build up relationships between yourself and other people who might use your services.

About the Author

I'm Preben Paulsen and working with Planova and they are leading manufacturer and supplier of Shelving solutions, shop fitting, retail store displays and best space planners in Europe.

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Author: Preben Paulsen

Preben Paulsen

Member since: Apr 27, 2021
Published articles: 148

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