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Impactful tips for creating a great landing page

Author: Surbhi Kaizen
by Surbhi Kaizen
Posted: Nov 20, 2022

"Websites promote your business 24/7: No employee will do that."

This quote seems relevant, right? A website is truly a great companion of your business and always helps in promoting your business. Online presence forms the crux of any business as a considerable populace is engaged on varied social media platforms. Therefore, an amazing landing page is of heightened importance for your business. Without an ideal landing page, your business is unlikely to get good traction. The growing number of eCommerce platforms over the internet has also made landing pages more important than ever.

Before we start exploring the various aspects to create a perfect landing page, let’s understand what exactly a landing page means. A landing page is literally where a prospective consumer, buyer, or any visitor ‘lands’ after they click any ad banner, a link in an email newsletter, or a link on social media platforms. Landing pages are created with a single aim or objective, also known as the call to action (CTA).

Landing pages can be bifurcated into two segments mainly: Reference landing pages and Transactional landing pages. A reference landing page gives information about a specific product or service of a business. A transactional landing page motivates an individual to make a specific purchase or encourages him/her to fill a contact form for a prospective sales lead.

As per the study conducted by WordStream, the average landing page conversion rate stands at 2.35 percent. Are you wondering how to achieve it? Here are some important factors that will help you create an extraordinary landing page.

Minimal Design. Maximum Output!

When it comes to online selling, web design is as important as the content. A common understanding is that a landing page is full of tacky graphics that lead to escalated conversions. What if it’s not true? Minimal design is great as the prospective customer is more interested in the product information rather than the graphics. So, a landing page with no pop-ups or overwhelming design lends can prove a boon and the opposite will prove to be a bane!

Shorter Contact Forms. Longer Customer Association!

Ever been to a government office where you have to fill long forms in order to receive a document? It exhausts and irritates you, right? The same applies to your landing page! Longer forms will drift a prospective consumer away from your landing page. Always try to keep the detail forms short because less is always better! Eliminate unnecessary information and just request details that are appropriate from the sales perspective.

One Testimonial. Numerous conversions!

Social proof is important for any business to convince the prospective consumer of its benefits and also describe the utility of the specific product in focus. These aspects, echoed by the user itself can bring expansive advantages in terms of sales. A small review of a customer on the landing page will add confidence about the efficacy of the products in the minds of the prospective buyers. Add a testimonial and see the magic for yourself!

Tiny Headline. Massive Impact!

A headline is what captures the attention of the prospective consumer towards your product. A large chunk of the populace just observes the headline and clicks on the link if it’s attractive. If a headline is long or of no interest, a consumer just scrolls down and avoids your offering even if the product is great. This factor can have a large impact on the business. Therefore, a good headline leads to great results!

More FOMOs. Fewer Sales Conversion Obstacles!

FOMO is an abbreviation for ‘Fear of missing out’. Nowadays, everyone likes to be socially updated and this aspect has lead to the FOMO factor. Why not bank on this factor? This factor can lead to exceptional sales and a prospective consumer will rarely avoid buying the product. An example of the FOMO application is asking a question’ "Are you going to miss the revolutionary XYZ product? Really?" Applying this phenomenon will surely lead to garnering substantial attention from consumers and ultimately will lead to the expansion of profit margins!


Revenue maximization is the sole purpose of any business and for this, every possible action is necessary. A rocking landing page will lay a red carpet of growth for your business and can certainly bring great conversions if you follow all these tips by the best social media marketing company in Pune, India.

About the Author

A strong structure built on a weak foundation is still weak. Kaizen Design Studio will make a strong digital foundation for your business. We’ll strengthen your marketing with branding and digital solutions. Firstly, we’re one of the upcoming design

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Author: Surbhi Kaizen

Surbhi Kaizen

Member since: Nov 14, 2022
Published articles: 42

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