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DELF B1 Production Orale Sample - Structure Of Oral Production

Author: Ccube Academy
by Ccube Academy
Posted: Nov 21, 2022

The production orale is one of the six components making up the DELF B1 certification. This article will provide a detailed analysis of this assessment, highlighting the four stages recorded in this task.

Introduction to Oral Production and B1

To produce a good DELF B1 production Orale sample, you need to be able to understand and use a variety of linguistic structures. The DELF B1 examination evaluates your ability to understand and produce spoken French in a variety of situations. The oral production section of the DELF B1 examination is divided into three parts:

The first part is a conversation between the examiner and the candidate in which the examiner assesses the candidate's ability to understand and respond to questions.

The second part is a monologue by the candidate on a given topic. The examiner assesses the candidate's ability to express him or herself clearly and coherently on a given topic.

The third part is a discussion between the examiner and the candidate on a given topic. The examiner assesses the candidate's ability to discuss, argue and reach agreement on a given topic.

Ideal Situation for DELF Production

In an ideal DELF B1 Production Orale, the candidate would be able to provide a well-structured and coherent answer to the question posed by the examiner. They would use a range of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the task, and their pronunciation would be clear and easy to understand. The candidate would also be able to engage in some spontaneous conversation with the examiner on the topic, demonstrating their understanding of cultural norms and etiquette.

Structure of B1 Oral Production

The DELF B1 oral production is made up of four parts: the introductory sentence, the body of the text, the concluding sentence, and a brief period of silence.

The introductory sentence should give the examiner an overview of what the candidate plans to talk about. It is important to be clear and concise in this opening statement.

The body of the text is where the majority of the speaking will take place. candidates should use this section to provide more detailed information about the topic they introduced in the opening sentence. They should aim to speak for 1-2 minutes without pausing for too long.

The concluding sentence signals to the examiner that the candidate is coming to the end of their prepared speech. This final thought should summarise the main points that have been made throughout the oral production.

After delivering the concluding sentence, there should be a brief moment of silence before candidates are asked questions by the examiner on the topic they spoke about. This period of silence allows candidates to reflect on their performance and ensure they are ready for questions from the examiner.

Vocabulary Samples for The Five Grades of Reading Comprehension Practice

When it comes to the DELF B1 examination, one of the most important skills that you need to develop is your ability to understand and produce oral French. This section will provide you with some sample vocabulary that you can use to practice your oral production skills for the five grades of reading comprehension.

For each grade, we have listed a selection of vocabulary that is typical of the level. We recommend that you use these words and phrases in conjunction with the other resources listed in this blog post, such as the DELF B1 Production Orale Sample - Structure Of Oral Production.

-Basic vocabulary (nouns, verbs, adjectives): je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles; manger, boire; petit(e), grand(e), gros/se, mignon(ne);

-Common expressions: bonjour, comment ça va?, merci beaucoup; pardon; oui/non; s’il vous plaît/merci; Excusez-moi!; je ne sais pas.

Brainstorming Sample Activities for Oral Activity

When it comes to oral activities in the DELF B1 Production Orale, there are a few things that you can do in order to prepare yourself. First and foremost, make sure that you are familiar with the structure of the oral production task. You will need to be able to discuss a topic for two minutes, respond to a question for one minute, and then conclude your response for one minute. In order to time yourself properly, it is recommended that you use a stopwatch or timer.

Next, brainstorm some possible topics that you could discuss during the oral activity portion of the Production Orale Delf B1 Example. Keep in mind that you will need to be able to speak about the topic for two minutes without any pauses. This means that you should choose a topic that you are very familiar with and can easily talk about without having to think too much about what you want to say next. Once you have chosen a few possible topics, try practicing discussing them out loud by timing yourself so that you can get an idea of how long it will take you to talk about each one.

Finally, make sure that you are familiar with the format of the written response portion of the DELF B1 Production Orale. You will need to write a response to a prompt in French using at least 60 words. In order to practice this portion of the test, find some sample prompts online and write out your responses ahead of time so

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Want to learn French in the best possible way? CCube Academy has the right solution of its kind. Experienced trainers offer Skype and video lessons, which have a similar efficiency to one-to-one lessons at home. You can also find many French conversa

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Author: Ccube Academy

Ccube Academy

Member since: Oct 28, 2022
Published articles: 15

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