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What is Technical SEO? Best Practices for Higher Rankings.

Author: Anisha Sharma
by Anisha Sharma
Posted: Dec 02, 2022

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website for search engines. The goal of technical SEO is to improve the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are many factors that can affect the visibility of a website in the SERPs. Technical SEO focuses on optimizing the website for these factors.

Some of the most important factors that technical SEO optimizes for are:

Site structure

Site speed


Mobile friendliness


Technical SEO can seem daunting, but there are many simple things that you can do to improve your website's visibility in the SERPs.

Here is a checklist of some technical SEO best practices:

Make sure your website is well structured. Use clear and concise titles and descriptions. Use headings and subheadings to organize your content.

-Optimize your website for speed. Reduce the size of your images and use caching.

-Ensure that your website is indexable by search engines. Use a sitemap and submit it to the search engines.

-Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Use responsive design or create a mobile version of your site.

-Ensure that your website is secure. Use HTTPS and secure your server.

What Are the Benefits of Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the practice of optimizing a website for Google search with the goal of improving the visibility and ranking of the site. The benefits of Technical SEO are vast, but can be summarized with three main points:

  1. Technical SEO can help improve your site's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  2. Technical SEO can help improve your site's ranking in SERPs.
  3. Technical SEO can help improve your site's click-through rate (CTR) from SERPs.

The bottom line is that Technical SEO can be extremely beneficial for your website, and should be a part of your overall SEO strategy. If you're not sure where to start, our Digital marketing company in Dehradun team of technical SEO experts can help!

Site Structure and Navigation

The structure of a website is very important for both users and search engines. A well-organized website will be easy to navigate for users, and search engines will be able to crawl and index the site more easily.

Some things to keep in mind when designing the structure of a website include using descriptive titles and URLs, using breadcrumbs, and creating a logical hierarchy. All of these factors can help make a website more user-friendly and easier to navigate.

Use a Flat, Organized Site Structure

A well-organized website is easy to navigate and understand. Each page should be organized in a way that makes sense, and the overall site structure should be easy to follow. This will help visitors find the information they need, and make it more likely that they'll stick around.

Some tips for creating a flat, organized site structure:

Keep the number of levels in your hierarchy to a minimum. Every time you add another level, it becomes harder for visitors to find what they're looking for.

Make sure your navigation is clear and easy to understand. Visitors should be able to tell at a glance where they are on your site, and how to get back to the home page.

Use descriptive names for your pages and files. This will help both visitors and search engines understand what each page is about.

Use consistent formatting throughout your site. This will make it easier for visitors to scan your pages and find the information they're looking for.

Consistent URL Structure

A consistent URL structure is important for both users and search engines. Users should be able to easily guess the URL of a page on your website just by looking at the other URLs on your site. Search engines use the URL to help them understand the content of a page and how it fits into the rest of your website. If your URL structure is consistent, it will be easier for both users and search engines to find their way around your website.

Breadcrumbs Navigation

Breadcrumbs navigation is a type of website navigation that helps users understand their location within the site, and provides links back to previous pages. This type of navigation can be helpful when a user is trying to find their way back to a previous page, or when they want to see the path they took to get to their current location. Breadcrumbs navigation can be implemented using HTML code, or it can be done using a script or plugin.

Crawling, Rendering, and Indexing

Crawling, rendering and indexing are all important parts of the search engine process. Crawling is the process of going through websites and looking for new or updated content. Rendering is the process of taking that content and making it easy for the search engine to understand. Indexing is the process of adding that content to the search engine's database so that it can be found by users. All three of these steps are necessary in order to ensure that users can find the content they're looking for.

Internal Link to "Deep" Pages

Deep pages are the pages on your website that are not linked to from your homepage or other main pages. They are usually lower in your site's hierarchy and may be harder for visitors to find.

Internal linking is one way to help make sure visitors can find all the pages on your website. By linking to deep pages from other pages on your site, you can help visitors discover all the content on your website.

Internal linking can also help improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines use links to help determine how well a page should rank in search results. By linking to deep pages from other pages on your site, you can help search engines understand what those pages are about and how they relate to other parts of your website. This can help improve your website's ranking in search results.

If you have a website with a lot of content, internal linking is a good way to help visitors find all the information they need. By taking the time to add internal links, you can make sure your website is easy to navigate and helps visitors discover all the great content on your site.

Thin and Duplicate Content

Thin and duplicate content is a major problem for many websites. This type of content is often used to spam search engines, which can result in lower rankings and less traffic. In some cases, it can even lead to your site being banned from the search engine altogether. To avoid these problems, it's important to create original, well-written content that is relevant to your audience.

Implement hreflang for International Websites

International websites need to implement hreflang to ensure that their content is being served to the right audience in the right language. Hreflang tells search engines what version of a page to serve users in specific countries or regions. Without hreflang, international users might see a page in a language they don't understand, or worse, see the wrong version of a page altogether.

Implementing hreflang can be tricky, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have a separate page for each language or region you want to target. Second, use the rel="alternate" hreflang="x" link tag to specify the relationship between each page and its alternate versions. Finally, submit your pages to Google via the Search Console so that they can be properly indexed. Our SEO Company can help if you are facing any trouble.

Hreflang is an important tool for international websites, and taking the time to implement it correctly can pay off in terms of increased traffic and engagement from users in your target markets.

About the Author

I am a content writer with 10 years of experience and I love to write about tech, marketing, fashion, lifestyle and more. I have been published in various blogs and magazines. I have also written a book on the same topic. I have written for various i

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Author: Anisha Sharma

Anisha Sharma

Member since: Aug 20, 2022
Published articles: 1

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