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All Pooja's most powerful place - Method of Worship - Naga Pratishta

Author: Naga Pratishta
by Naga Pratishta
Posted: Dec 13, 2022

All Pooja's most powerful place - Method of Worship - Naga Pratishta

First, let us find the answers to the following:

Where can I find the ideal place to perform Naga Pratishta? What remarkable quality the place has for conducting Naga Prathistapana or Pratishta, and also what importance the consecrated idols will acquire after the Nagapratisha? What kind of Naga stone has to be used for Pratishtapana? What is the method of worship for Naga Pratishta?

Good results for Naga Pratishta can only be obtained when the place of worship has some prominence. At the same time, Naga Pratishta should be associated with a temple according to Naga Shastra. Hence, a holy land famous for Tapas, and Vedas such as Tri Jagadguru Peetham with various shrines in its premises located on the outskirts of Madipadu Village in Achampet Mandal in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh on the north bank of the holy river Krishna is the most suitable place to perform Naga Prathista. Generally, it is ideal to enshrine Naga idols with Vedic rituals on the banks of any river. Another feature about the above place is that as per the Skanda Purana, great Saint Bharadwaja performed his penance and established Shiva Lingam here. This place is known to reverberate with the sounds of perpetual chanting of Vedas and hence considered as a holy land of Tapas and Vedas. It is notable that from the time of the creation of the Universe, no god right from Indra was able to install the deity like the one being worshipped here. Then, the great Yogi Paramahamsa Parivryajakacharya Sri Sri Sri Satyananda Saraswati Swam Ji chanted the Moola Mantra consisting of 32 Beejaksharas of Lord Sri Ashtamukha Gandabherunda Badabanala Jwaala lakshmi Narasimha Swamy for one lakh times.

After the fulfillment of the Moola Mantra, the Lord Narasimha Swamy was so pleased to grace Swamy Ji and instructed him to enshrine his avatar in an idol form from out of the mantra form. As per that divine instruction, the Swamy Ji explored several districts and finally consecrated the world’s unique and unprecedented deity of Lord Sri Ashtamukha Gandabherunda Badabanala Jwaala Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy along with the deities of His eternal consorts Sridevi and Bhoodevi on 14 June 1970 near Achampet Mandal in Guntur District and Jaggayyapeta Mandal in Krishna District on the sacred Northern banks of the River Krishna in the Koormavatara Mountain area.

Contact US:

Phone Number: 9030218811, 9030218822

Email :


Address: Sri Tri Jagadguru peetham, Madipadu Achempet, Guntur Dist – 522409

(we are doing in Poojas in Hyderabad, Srikalahasti, Visakhapatnam Also)

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Naga Pratishta – All poojas most powerfull Place – method of Worship

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Author: Naga Pratishta

Naga Pratishta

Member since: Aug 22, 2022
Published articles: 49

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