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Gutter Cleaning: Is it important?

Author: Marcos Sydney
by Marcos Sydney
Posted: Dec 30, 2022
gutter cleaning

Let’s start off with the basics; what is gutter cleaning?

Gutter cleaning involves removing leaves, twigs, and other debris from gutters to avoid water damage, mould, and mildew build-up. Removing debris from your gutters allows the water to flow freely and prevents it from collecting and overflowing, which can cause damage to your home’s structure. Cleaning your gutters also prevents clogs that can cause water to back up and lead to ice dams or roof damage in winter, although where I am in Brisbane, that's not such a problem.

If you want to avoid dealing with a clogged gutter and the hassle of home maintenance, consider getting a professional gutter cleaning service to take care of your gutter cleaning needs. They'll make sure your gutters are free of debris and that they’re working correctly.

What Makes Up a Gutter System?

Gutter systems are primarily made up of gutters and downpipes, but that's not everything, so let's take a closer look.

Gutters are the halfpipe that runs along the perimeter of your roof. These are made in multiple materials: PVC, Colorbond®, Zinc, and copper, to name a few.

At either end of each section of the gutter are the end-stop caps. These are specifically made to be lefthanded and righthanded, depending on the side of the gutter they need to be placed at.

Some angles or elbows allow you to guide the gutter around corners when needed. Another feature that you will sometimes find on gutters is gutter guards.

Gutter guards are designed to reduce the debris that enters the guttering. These come in various materials and designs; screen guards, micromesh, reverse curve, brush, and foam. But the basic idea is the same for all of them, a barrier that allows water to enter the gutters freely but keeps as much debris out.

A vital piece of any guttering is a gutter bracket that holds the gutters to the fascia; that’s why it's also called the fascia bracket. These are designed in such a way as to help the gutter maintain its shape and not bend under the weight when it needs to be cleaned.

The next major piece in any guttering system is the downpipe or downspout. This piece is vital to guide the water away from the property. The downpipe is connected to the gutter via the drop outlet. There are multiple accessories for downpipes; at the very top, you often see a downpipe cover, basically a gutter guard for downpipes. There are downpipe elbows and bends to run the downpipe down any wall.

The downpipe can be connected to a rain barrel to use the water collected to water your garden. Or it can be connected to a drain, dry well, or French drain, or it can be dumped at a safe distance from your property.

Why is gutter cleaning necessary?

Now that we know what a gutter is and what it's made up of, why do they need to be cleaned?

The short answer is that if a gutter isn't cleaned correctly, it will get blocked with debris and won't work correctly, which can lead to bigger problems.

But now you might ask yourself, what bigger problems?

For example, regular gutter cleaning can save you a lot of money in the long run. Dirty gutters won't direct water away from your property; they will do the opposite. Trapped water will eventually find its way into your roof space, causing mould, mildew, and rot. If left unattended, the rot will eat away at the beams and rafters of your roof, weakening it until one day, your roof collapses.

In colder areas, that trapped water can freeze, adding even more weight to your roof and putting it under strain. Both scenarios I'm sure you want to avoid; a new roof is something you don't want to have to pay for.

That cold weather can do other damage to your gutters; trapped water can freeze and expand, cracking your gutters.

But if you live in a warmer area of Australia, like Brisbane, freezing is something you’ll never have to deal with, but don’t worry, there are still plenty of reasons why you need to think about gutter cleaning.

For example, snakes, rodents, mosquitos and the long list that follows it of creepy crawlies that love the dirt and grime found in a dirt gutter.

Why? Well, many animals love the rotten debris in your gutters; to keep warm in winter, or the trapped water can be an excellent place for animals to find a refreshing drink on a warm day. The trapped water also makes the perfect breeding ground for things like mosquitos.

So, if you want a healthy house free from pests, ensure you look for a gutter cleaner.

What about down at ground level or even below that? Well, water that overflows from a blocked gutter ends up at the base of the walls of your home or property.

You might think that a bit of water can’t damage the foundations of your house; what could a little water do? Recently I visited Porcupine Gorge, which some call the Grand Canyon of Queensland. This massive gorge was created by a bit of water left for a long time! I’m not saying that if you don’t clean your gutters, you’ll get Porcupine Gorge under the house, but it shows you what a little water can do.

Water flowing from a leaking gutter can slowly wash away or soften soil, which then gets compressed under the weight of your home, causing subsidence. Once you start to see cracks in your walls, it’s too late; you’ll need more than a gutter cleaner; you’ll need an architect.

But it's not all doom and gloom! There is a simple option to save you from all these problems, headaches and expenses! How? As mentioned before, clean your gutters, or better yet, get a professional to clean your gutters for you.

If you own your home, the chances are that it’s your most expensive possession, something you’ve been paying a mortgage on for many years. Look after it, maintain it, and clean your gutters.

Some people choose to clean their own gutters, and while this is an option, we recommend that you use a professional gutter cleaner. Why is a gutter cleaning service recommendable? First, it means you don’t have to work up a ladder for extended periods. Gutter cleaners have the knowledge, training and tools to work safely at heights; take advantage of that. Secondly, a good gutter cleaning service will do more than clean your gutters. For example, they’ll inspect your gutters and roof, letting you know when small jobs need doing, ensuring that a small job doesn’t become a big job.


Let's look at some frequently asked questions:

How often should the gutter be cleaned?

As a general rule, twice a year. But many factors need to be considered, for example, are there branches hanging over your house? Are there many pine trees in the area? Do you have gutter guards? The honest answer to this question is whenever you see the tell-tail signs that your gutter needs cleaning.

What are the tell-tail signs that my gutters need cleaning?

Water pooling around your property. Sagging gutters and dirty streaks on your walls under the guttering. Foul smells are coming from the roof. An increase in rodents and reptiles around your house, birds nesting in the guttering, or even plants growing out of your gutters.

Can you clean your gutter?

If you feel safe working up a ladder for long periods, and don’t mind getting your hands dirty, then yes, you can clean your own gutters! But before you start cleaning your gutters, ask for a quote, it might be cheaper than you think, and you’ll save yourself the hard work.

What tools do you need to clean your gutters?

A strong ladder, work clothes, safety goggles, gloves and anti-slip footwear, buckets, a plastic or rubber spatula and a hosepipe. Plus, time, working up a ladder is something that can’t be rushed.

How to find a good gutter cleaning service?

There are many gutter cleaning services, but there are few good gutter cleaning services. So, how do you differentiate the good from the bad? Ask friends and family if they have found an excellent gutter cleaner. Another great way is to Google; search for gutter cleaning and where you are located; for example, gutter cleaning Brisbane. Just make sure to read the reviews.


Gutter cleaning is an integral part of home maintenance. It's essential to keep your gutters clear of debris so that they can work correctly. This will help to avoid water damage, mould and mildew, and other problems. It’s also important to check your gutters for signs of wear and tear and to ensure they are correctly installed. A professional gutter cleaning service can help ensure that your gutters are in good shape and debris-free. Clean gutters are essential for a healthy home and will save you money in the long run. So please, get your gutters cleaned!

About the Author

A jack of all trades, but master of none, but often better than a master of one. I enjoy writing articles, Diy projects, and cooking. So come take a look at one of my articles and leave a comment.

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Author: Marcos Sydney
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Marcos Sydney

Member since: Jul 20, 2022
Published articles: 19

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