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Journal of Cardiology Case Reports & Cardiovascular Case Reports

Author: Cambridge Publishers
by Cambridge Publishers
Posted: Jan 09, 2023

Case Reports Journal of Cardiology encompasses invasive and non-invasive diagnosis and treatment of Cardiovascular diseases. Cardiology case reports journal as a field of study has been gaining great significance with the increasing financial burden to the nations of the globe.

Case Reports in Clinical Cardiology Journal

Case reports in cardiology journal is a scholarly open access cardiovascular journal that offers an Open Access platform to the scholars and students that are keen in contributing their findings in this field. Journal of Cardiology publishes cardiology images, cardiology case reports and case series related to hypertension, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, vascular disease, congenital heart disease, and cardiomyopathy etc. You can also find this journal by using keywords like Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology.

Clinical Cardiology, Case Reports in Cardiology, International Journal of Clinical Cardiology, Journal of Cardiology Case Reports, Journal of Cardiology Cases, Heart Journal, Heart Case Reports Journal, Clinical Cardiology Journal, Clinical Research in Cardiology, Archive of Case Reports in Cardiology, Journal of Cardiology Cases.

Cardiology Case Reports Journal

Journal of Cardiology Case Reports includes wide areas of studies in this field by including apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, coronary artery ectasia, foetal heart calcification, chronic arterial insufficiency, cardiovascular disease and its association with cancer, peri-arrest period, complications after heart surgery, early repolarization symptoms, coronary arteritis, inflammatory vascular disease, inflammatory cardiomyopathy, systolic pressure variation, left atrium enlargement, and ventricular septal defect (VSD).

The journal offers thoroughly reviewed cardiology original research, cardiology review articles, cardiology case studies, cardiology image articles, case reports in cardiology, case reports in cardiology, Journal of Cardiology cases, journal of cardiology case reports, heart journal, International journal of clinical cardiology, journal of cardiology cases, clinical cardiology etc. Authors are requested to submit manuscript in 'Case Reports in Clinical Cardiology Journal' via Online Manuscript Submission portal (or) directly send an Email attachment to the Editorial Office at: editor.clinical@cardiologycase

Cardiovascular Case Reports Journal

Cardiovascular Case Reports Journal is a peer reviewed journal that provides a worldwide platform for dispersal of current findings in the field of cardiology, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as cardiomyopathy, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, heart attack, impairment of function of cardiac valves and congenital heart diseases. Journal of Cardiology Case Reports accepts original cardiovascular research articles, cardiovascular review articles, cardiovascular short communication, cardiovascular case reports and Editorials for publication in an open access platform. All the cardiovascular case reports articles published in the journal can be accessed online without any subscription charges and will receive the benefit of extensive worldwide visibility.

Journal of Cardiology and Heart Case Reports focuses on the topics under Cardiology and Heart diseases that includes: Interventional Cardiology, Arrhythmia, Arteriosclerosis, Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiac Anesthesiology, Cardiac Electrophysiology, Cardiac Transplantation, Cardiomyopathy, Cardiovascular Imaging, Cardiovascular Medicine, Echocardiography, Geriatric Cardiology, Heart Diseases.

Case Reports in Cardiology Journal

Case Reports in Cardiology Journal accepts manuscripts providing knowledge on recent findings on various aspects of cardiac case reports. Journal of Cardiology and Heart Case Reports deals with scientific studies on different types of cardiac and circulatory abnormalities. Case reports in cardiology and Heart Journal Scope and Keywords are Journal of Cardiology Case Reports, Case Reports in Cardiology Journal, Journal of Cardiology Cases, Journal of Cardiology Case Reports, Heart Journal Case Reports, Journal of Clinical Cardiology, Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, Case Reports in Cardiology, Heart Case Reports, Journal of Cardiology Case Reports, Cardiovascular Case Reports Journal, Cardiology Case Reports Journal etc.

Cardiogeriatrics or geriatric cardiology is the branch of cardiology and geriatric medicine that deals with cardiovascular disorders in elderly people. Paediatric cardiology is treatment of heart related problems in children, infants or foetuses. The scope of the paediatric cardiology journal is extensive. Paediatric Cardiologists evaluate and care for foetuses, neonates, infants, children, adolescents, young adults, and adults.

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About the Author

Cardiogeriatrics or geriatric cardiology is the branch of cardiology and geriatric medicine that deals with cardiovascular disorders in elderly people.

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Author: Cambridge Publishers

Cambridge Publishers

Member since: Jan 06, 2023
Published articles: 8

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