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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost? Factors That Impact the Price

Author: Paulo Pinho
by Paulo Pinho
Posted: Feb 19, 2023

The cost of dental implants can vary drastically, depending on a variety of factors. If you're considering getting dental implants to replace missing teeth, you may be wondering how much the procedure will cost you. In this article, we'll look at the factors that can impact the dental implants cost Sydney, so you can have an idea of what to expect when you're budgeting for the procedure.

The Number of Teeth Being Replaced:

When considering how much dental implants cost, one of the primary factors is the number of teeth being replaced. If multiple teeth need to be replaced, it can increase the total cost of the procedure significantly. For example, a full set of upper or lower teeth may require four or more implants, plus abutments and crowns. This will obviously increase the overall price of the procedure.

The Quality of the Implant:

In general, the higher the quality of the implant, the more expensive it will be. High-quality implants are made from titanium or zirconia and come with a lifetime warranty for wear and tear. Implants made from lesser materials, such as plastic, will be less expensive but may require more frequent replacements. It is important to consult with your dentist to determine the best quality implant for your situation.

The Location of the Implant:

Implants placed in the back of the mouth will be more expensive than those in the front. This is due to the complexity and precision needed to place an implant in the rear molars and premolars. Implant placement in areas such as the jawbone or sinuses can also affect the cost due to the increased complexity of the procedure.

In addition to the complexity of the implant procedure, geography plays an important role in determining implant cost. Dental implants Sydney are generally more expensive in urban areas due to higher rent and labor costs.

Jawbone Density:

The jawbone must be dense enough to provide a solid foundation for the implant. If your jawbone is not thick enough, you may need a bone graft to thicken it before the implant can be placed. This can add extra time and money to your overall cost.

Bone grafts involve taking bone from one area of your body and transplanting it to the implant site. It's a surgical procedure that requires anaesthesia, incisions and possibly stitches, and the recovery time can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Overall Oral Health:

Good oral health is essential for the success of dental implants Sydney. The condition of your teeth, gums, and jawbone all play a role in the success of implants. If you have any existing dental problems such as cavities or periodontal disease, these need to be addressed, for which additional treatment costs would apply.

The cost of digital dental implants Sydney varies widely depending on the patient's specific needs and the type of implant being used. For more information, get in touch with a dental expert today.

The author is a certified dental professional who offers effective oral treatments including dental implants Sydney for patients. He often writes articles on dental health for several publications. Visit

About the Author

Registered Australian dental surgeon, Dr Pinho is highly trained to perform dental implants, safely and efficiently. He is a member of the Australian Dental Association and works closely with leading oral surgeons in both Sydney and Melbourne.

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Author: Paulo Pinho

Paulo Pinho

Member since: Nov 11, 2016
Published articles: 92

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