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Do Your Commercial Doors Meet Insurance Safety Regulations?

Author: Sean Blogger
by Sean Blogger
Posted: Dec 20, 2023

Concerns surrounding workplace safety have been on the increase in recent years, and many industries have been called upon to enforce stricter regulations to keep workers and the public, safe. One important aspect of safety for any commercial premises, are its doors.

Commercial doors must be able to prevent accidents like falls, entrapment and collisions, any one of which can cause serious harm to an individual (or individuals) and in some instances, even lead to a loss of life. As a result of recent safety concerns, suppliers and manufacturers of commercial windows and doors in Middlesbrough are now required to incorporate a number of specific safety features into their doors, as per regulatory requirements.

What are some of the key safety features of commercial doors?

It’s important to remember that not only does meeting regulatory safety requirements ensure the safety and wellbeing of employees and customers alike, but it also helps you meet the requirements of your insurance coverage.

Below are some of the main safety features typically mandated by regulatory bodies within commercial industries:

  • Automatic door closers

Making sure commercial doors are able to close fully and securely, these devices minimize gaps that when present, can cause injuries or enable unauthorised access to be gained.

  • Safety sensors

Sensors are able to detect obstacles that may be in the doorway, and stop the commercial door from shutting or harming anyone.

  • Fire-rated doors

If a commercial enterprise is responsible for handling materials that are flammable, or it operates in an area prone to fire, these doors can be vital in preventing or delaying the spread of a fire; helping to keep both people and property safe.

  • Emergency exit devices

In the event of a fire, power outage, or similar such emergency, it’s imperative that employees and customers are provided with safe and easy egress via commercial doors.

What implications can commercial doors have on insurance coverage?

When assessing a policy, insurance providers consider a number of factors, and being able to meet all safety requirements is one of the most important. Should your commercial enterprise fail to comply with any of these, it may result in the following:

  • Limited coverage

Should the commercial doors to your enterprise not meet necessary safety standards, your insurance provider may only offer you coverage that’s limited, or omit certain risks which could leave your company vulnerable.

  • Higher premiums

Your business might be deemed as a higher risk worthy of increased premiums if your commercial doors aren’t up to code.

  • Policy exclusions

You could be left financially liable for damages when making a claim related to an accident or injury, if you’ve failed to comply with commercial door safety regulations.

How can you best protect your business and gain adequate insurance?

As a business owner, it’s in your best interests to prioritise the safety of your commercial doors, and make sure that your insurance coverage is adequate. Here are some things to consider:

  • Scheduling regular inspections

This will help you make sure your doors are compliant with all safety regulations, at all times.

  • Partnering with knowledgeable suppliers

It’s best to buy your commercial doors from suppliers with a sound reputation and an in-depth understanding of safety standards; they will help you choose the safest, most appropriate doors for your commercial enterprise.

  • Getting in touch with your insurance provider

When you make any improvements to the safety of your commercial doors and windows, be proactive and let your insurance provider know; it could have a positive impact on your premiums and terms of coverage.

Whether it’s commercial double glazed windows or doors, you can keep everyone and everything in the premises safe by making sure they meet all of the required regulations, while giving yourself the best coverage from insurers, too.

About the Author

I am a passionate freelance writer and dedicated blogger with a deep love for the written word. With 10 years of experience in the world of writing, I have honed my craft to craft engaging, informative, and thought-provoking content.

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Author: Sean Blogger
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Sean Blogger

Member since: Aug 23, 2023
Published articles: 55

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