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A Vein Specialist in New Orleans Explores the Different Conditions Associated with Vein Disease

Author: Oliver Striky
by Oliver Striky
Posted: Jan 21, 2015

As a vascular doctor in the New Orleans metro area, Dr. Randall S. Juleff works with patients suffering from vein disease every day. While it may seem as though all of his patients are dealing with the same problem, in actuality there are several different conditions that fall under the "vein disease" title. Are you suffering from any of them? Read on to find out.

What should Covington residents know about vein disease conditions?

There are a number of different conditions associated with malfunctioning veins. Some of these conditions, such as spider veins and varicose veins, are more of a nuisance than a medical emergency. However, if left untreated, even some of the mildest signs of vein disease can put patients at risk of serious complications.

When a person’s veins function normally, the vessels transport blood from the muscles, organs, and other parts of the body to the heart. However, age, wear and tear, and damage can cause a person’s veins to become less effective. Rather than being propelled upwards, blood instead gives into gravity and pools into the veins below. Over time, this backflow can cause pressure in surrounding vessels, leading to bulging, unsightly varicose veins.

Varicose veins are a common condition in American men and women. They are more common in older patients and in patients who have a family history of the condition. While varicose veins can be distressing merely due to their aesthetic impact, they can also leave patients with legs that feel tired, achy, and swollen.

Many patients find that the unpleasant symptoms associated with varicose veins are enough to warrant treatment with a Louisiana vein doctor. Those who allow their vein disease to linger unchecked, however, are at risk of another related condition: deep vein thrombosis (or DVT). DVT is a type of blood clot that forms in the veins deep inside the legs. If the clot breaks off the vein wall, it might travel through the body and disrupt the flow of blood to the lungs or the brain, causing a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism or stroke.

Deep vein thrombosis is a serious medical concern, made all the more dangerous by the fact that it does not always present any symptoms. Your vein specialist in New Orleans can detect the presence of a clot through a non-invasive ultrasound test, making it worthwhile to arrange for a vein screening if you are at risk for vascular disease.

Unlike deep vein thrombosis, many of the most advanced conditions associated with vein disease are very easy to detect. Chief among these are foot and ankle ulcers. These poorly healing wounds are likely to occur when persistent vein-related swelling in the lower legs and ankles causes the surrounding skin to become tight and thin. If the skin becomes punctured, the resulting wound might not heal until the underlying vein disease is addressed. Such ulcers are unsightly, can be painful, and put the patient at risk for infection and other serious complications.

Addressing Vein Disease Conditions

If you are worried about the impact vein disease may have on your health, it’s time to get in touch with La Bella Vita Laser and Vein Center. Our New Orleans vein clinic offers some of the most advanced options in vein disease diagnosis and treatment, allowing us to build an individualized treatment plan to help address your circulation issues. We would love to speak with you further about how we can help: give us a call at 985-892-2950 to speak with a compassionate and knowledgeable member of our staff today.

Author Bio: The writer is an expert in the field of Spider & vein treatments specialist in Vein specialist in New Orleans and Louisiana vein doctor.

About the Author

Vein disease is not just a cosmetic concern: Dr. Randall S. Juleff explains why it is important to consult with a Covington varicose vein doctor about this issue.

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Author: Oliver Striky

Oliver Striky

Member since: Nov 12, 2014
Published articles: 4

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