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4 Steps to Enhance Your Forecasting Accuracy Using Demand Forecasting Software

Author: Karishma Shikalgar
by Karishma Shikalgar
Posted: Apr 20, 2024
demand forecasting

Demand forecasting software is the key to accurate and effective forecasting. If you search the Internet about how to forecast accurately, you'll find many technical tips. Track and monitor macroeconomic indicators in real time. Choose the right demand forecasting techniques to reevaluate forecasts in the light of market conditions.

This is all good advice.

But without the right tool in place to execute, even the best forecasting method won't deliver the results you want. Without an agile solution, the resources in your organization or the supply chain management won't function at peak performance.

If you want to achieve your goal of enhancing forecast accuracy, look at the bigger picture.

Streamlining your forecast accuracy is the goal that maps to an effective business strategy. A great starting point is to connect your business with an effective demand forecasting solution to get finer predictions for your business demand. In this article, we outline four steps to streamline your forecasting process to enhance efficiency and performance.

What is demand forecasting accuracy?

Forecasting accuracy refers to evaluating how closely forecasted demand numbers are aligned with the actual demand experienced. In essence, it calculates the effectiveness of your demand forecasting methods, assessing how your customer projection matches reality. The closer your forecast matches actual demand, the higher your demand forecasting accuracy.

Achieving exact forecasting accuracy using demand forecasting software is like hitting a moving target, and the ability to interpret complex patterns, anticipate numerous external factors, and make precise predictions based on qualitative insights and quantitative data.

Why is forecasting accuracy significant?

Demand forecasting in the supply chain is critical due to several strategic reasons:

Cost reduction: Matching supply and demand via accurate forecasts reduces waste, streamlines operations, and optimizes resource allocation for better cost efficiency.

Inventory optimization: Accuracy in demand forecasts helps maintain sufficient inventory levels, avoiding overstocking that increases costs and waste, or understocking that leads to missed sales opportunities and dissatisfied customers.

Successful new product launches: When introducing new products, forecasting software locates potential demand, mitigates risk, ensures preparedness to meet initial demand, and adjusts the production process as required.

Preparation for demand fluctuations: With accurate forecasting, you are armed to respond to seasonal shifts, long-term trends, and market changes, thereby fostering resilience and agility in your supply chain optimization process.

Better supply chain relationships: Sharing efficient demand forecasting with your supply chain partners improves performance and planning, develops trust among key stakeholders, and promotes collaboration. This is a vital benefit, since many organizations depend on good supplier relationships.

Embracing demand forecasting accuracy in four critical steps

When improving your forecasting accuracy, a structured, step-by-step approach provided by an agile demand forecasting software is often the most effective. Here are four pivotal steps that can help you improve your demand forecasting accuracy.

  1. Utilize updates and accurate data

Forecasting accuracy starts with the timeliness and the quality of your data. Use updated and accurate data from various business functions, including logistics, finance, sales, and marketing, to create a solid foundation for reliable forecasting.

Solutions like Avercast use advanced algorithms, AI, and machine learning to automatically generate forecasts with precise data, ensuring your forecasting software matches the current business context. This is critical when introducing new products where the forecasting model might be required to adapt quickly to real-time sales data and trends.

  1. Exploit multi-level segmentation analysis

Segmentation analysis is crucial for learning and anticipating demand patterns with enhanced precision, resulting in better long-term planning. You can locate and analyze various demand drivers by running a robust multi-level segmentation analysis, branching your customers and their preferred products based on their characteristics and behavior.

This end-to-end visibility can lead to new insights and allow you to customize your forecasting approach more effectively to different variations, resulting in more effective and accurate forecasts. Avercast's Demand Forecasting Software can come to your aid to enhance your business efficiency.

  1. Use a granular model

Your demand forecasting methods must be detailed and granular, especially for short-term demand predictions.

A granular model can help you when:

  1. The customer makes a purchase

  1. Global markets exhibit multiple buying behaviors

  1. Optimal price point helps you maximize revenue

Remember that even though an aggregated or a high-level demand plan is easier to develop and, in some cases, is helpful, it may not have adequate granular detail to address behavior or purchasing patterns.

For instance, an automobile manufacturer may be able to predict how many SUVs it will sell in a year. However, suppose the demand planning team fails to anticipate regional preferences. In that case, the business may fail to build accurate numbers of models at the sub-SKU level and distribute them to the locations where there will be demand for them. That's why utilizing the granular model method is critical to every business.

4. Run the "what-if" scenario

It is essential to understand the impact of different external demand signals on your demand patterns. By running various scenarios, you can simulate the effects of these signals, improving your performance to consider mid-term demand patterns and maintain an adequate level of stock.

Be it a change in market trends, a shift in your competitor's activities, changing lead times, constant disruptions, or sudden global events, a well-processed scenario analysis will enable you to react promptly to these changes and maintain demand accuracy for future demand.

Streamline your future demand with Avercast

Avercast, a division of TransImpact, delivers high-impact, precision-based demand forecasting tools that empowers your business to unlock enhanced visibility into demand predictions of your products and services. By utilizing its 280+ algorithm-powered solutions, you can avoid unproductive stocking in your inventory. Our brilliant solutions improve decision-making and allow you to leverage sales opportunities. Schedule a demo or talk to one of our experts to explore our products and services.

About the Author

At Avercast, We guarantee accurate forecasts with 280+ forecasting algorithms developed over the years. Over the decades, our system has been improved to ensure the utmost accuracy in our predictions.

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Author: Karishma Shikalgar

Karishma Shikalgar

Member since: Feb 16, 2024
Published articles: 3

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