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A comprehensive guide to choosing optimal cloud migration service providers

Author: Aliana Sri
by Aliana Sri
Posted: Apr 22, 2024

Businesses are accelerating their digital transformation initiatives, and the cloud is proving to be the most important factor influencing their growth. Cloud architecture helps businesses reinvent and address market uncertainties, giving organizations enough reason to migrate to the cloud.

Here we introduce you to the cloud migration service, what to expect from it, and a list of companies that your organization can approach for a hassle-free cloud migration experience.

Decoding Cloud migration Essence

Cloud is no longer a difficult term to relate with. We are all speeding up communication and connectivity due to cloud technology. So, when you move your digital business operations to a cloud of your choice, the process is termed cloud migration. It involves relocating data, applications, and IT processes from one data center to another, much like changing the office premises, moving from a smaller office to a larger one.

Cloud migration is generally a term describing the move from on-premises or legacy infrastructure to the cloud. However, the term can also apply to a migration from one cloud to another cloud. Whatever the type of cloud migration, it requires a lot of preparation and planning, and usually ends up being worth the effort, resulting in cost savings and greater flexibility.

Why Cloud Migration is Important to Business Growth?

The Data Bridge Market Research report states that the cloud migration services market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 28.50%. This market’s value is expected to rise to $3820.47 Million by 2029. With unending features and associated business benefits, migrating to the Cloud has been trending in recent years. Migration to the cloud is not a concept for debate anymore. For the agility and scalability that the Cloud provides, it is a necessity that every business needs to recognize.

Smart user-friendly applications, time-saving features, ease of access, enhanced security and qualitative outputs propel the success of cloud computing and encourage non-cloud users to make this business-changing leap. Moreover, the reduction in implementation and licensing costs are opening avenues for business owners to invest in the Cloud.

Moreover, cloud migration service providers have made the process much easier for most businesses. Their expertise in Cloud technology, is much required to survive and thrive in today’s cut-throat corporate atmosphere.

Cloud Migration Services Features

  • The most common Cloud Migration Services features are:
  • Consultation services
  • Training and adoption planning
  • Block- and object-level replication.
  • Application testing and quality assurance tools
  • Dynamic framework and infrastructure support
  • Multi-cloud support and integration tools
  • Multi-user access and collaboration support
  • Continuous sync support
  • Rollblack and version history support
  • Automated root cause and anomaly detection
  • Automated data replication
  • Cloud architecture reporting
  • Audit tracking and data use reporting
  • Visualization tools
  • User access management
  • Scalable storage and pricing
  • End-to-end encryption
  • SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS deployment methods

Cloud migration service providers

How will your business move to the Cloud? The planning, timescale, budget, impact, and so many other factors need to be considered before the migration. Cloud migration service providers cater to all this and more, helping businesses move to the cloud and delivering the products used to get there.

Cloud service providers offer tools and services to help migrate your workloads and applications. However, many businesses who lack technical skills prefer to enlist the help from IT partners and cloud migration service providers. These cloud migration service providers take away the uncertainty and pain of moving your assets by offering a bespoke, thorough solution. Your IT partner will handle the timescale, budget, and services within your migration, all while minimizing downtime and disruption to your business.

What to expect from Cloud Migration service providers?

Simply put, cloud migration service providers move a business’s applications, emails, and other crucial data to a secure cloud environment, in a streamlined and swift manner, without disrupting business. These companies are in relationships with several key cloud providers to help you choose a provider that perfectly suits your business needs.

You can expect a typical cloud migration service provider to serve you in the following way:

  • Establish cloud migration goals
  • Device a migration strategy
  • Select cloud providers
  • Create a solid migration plan
  • Initiate the migration process
  • Monitor and assess migration progress
  • Test and optimize the cloud environment
  • Relocate workloads to the cloud
  • After service support

Best Cloud Migration Service Providers

Cloud migration is important, but not easy for any organization to carry out. Irrespective of the the scale of your business, it simply isn’t cost-effective to have a cloud specialist on your staff to supervise and manage this process. So, here we give you a list of specialist cloud service providers who can actually smoothen your cloud migration journey.


Cloudreach is a cloud service provider that offers managed cloud transformation and migration services with support for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. The company provides cloud-native transformation for both application and data migration. Cloudreach helps companies unlock the capabilities of an application through the cloud while building powerful cloud-based data storage and analytics platforms.


Capgemini is a cloud service provider for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud that supports cloud migration services. They help clients define what the final state of their cloud architecture will look like, then create a cloud migration factory model to work towards that architecture and drive continuous improvements.

Heuristics Informatics Pvt Ltd

HIPL smoothens the cloud migration process for enterprises, to migrate their infrastructure, middleware components and applications to a cloud of their choice. With strategic partnership with AWS, Azure, Oracle, and Google Cloud, HIPL enables businesses to evolve their cloud capabilities, define new revenue streams, develop cloud-based applications, accelerate product release, reduce infrastructure costs, and gain data insights. Cloud computing services require architecting and deploying the right way, to move businesses to the cloud…and they know it all!


Deloitte is a technology professional services company that offers managed cloud services, including cloud migration, for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Their cloud migration offerings range from designing a migration strategy, implementing automated migration processes, and preparing the enterprise for the new alignment.


Infosys takes every measure necessary to facilitate the agile and timely migration of a business to the cloud. Its main purpose is to help businesses build cloud-first capabilities into their existing technological stack, all in favor of digitizing several crucial aspects of a business. Their service also includes AI-powered solutions that expedite the migration process and optimize cloud resources.


Sticking to legacy architecture is restrictive and may harm your business’s productivity and growth. To smoothly migrate to the cloud and watch your business grow, you must consider hiring cloud migration service providers. It is simply not feasible or rational for a business to transition to the cloud without the assistance of a reliable cloud migration partner.

About the Author

The author of this article is Mrs Aliana. She is a technology blog writer. She writes articles related to IT business services.

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Author: Aliana Sri

Aliana Sri

Member since: Dec 13, 2022
Published articles: 22

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