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3 Wheel Mobility Scooter: Troubleshooting Tips

Author: Todd Dawson
by Todd Dawson
Posted: Feb 07, 2015

Mobility scooters are seen as god-send for millions all over the world who are unable to walk on their own. The reasons can be anything; from diseases affecting muscles to arthritis, they are numerous. Whatever is the situation, this device allows you to stay active as in the past. But, problems appearing unexpectedly will scare even well-prepared drivers. Most of the time, certain basic maintenance tips will help. Here are some suggestions for your consideration.

Troubleshooting tips for a 3 wheel mobility scooter

Given below are some general scenarios where basic maintenance tricks can help.

1. Your scooter falls dead

The worst fear of a scooter user after enjoying the freedom it can offer is lack of response when you turn it on. To be simple, the device stays put despite your best efforts. Don’t worry; you can try the following.

  • Check the ignition: Take out the key from the ignition and re-insert it. It works most of the time.
  • Inspect the battery: If re-inserting the key fails to start the device, you should inspect the battery. See that it is fully charged. If you have gone for a long-distance trip, you may have completely used up the battery.
  • You can also check the wires and brakes. Make sure that everything is tight and safe.

2. Battery getting degraded

As years go by, the battery of your mobility scooter starts losing its power. This affects its capacity to hold charge. In such a situation, you have no other choice, but to replace it. However, make sure that this is the trouble before taking this measure.

3. Tires being damaged

You may be doing your best to take good care of your mobile scooter. But, its tires get damaged after prolonged use because of wear and tear. This applies both solid and pneumatic tires. Here too, your choices are extremely limited; you will have to replace them. Fortunately, you have years of time before you can think of replacements.

4. Motors becoming unresponsive

As with every other tool, prolonged use may damage the motor of your device. However, it is built to last long. It may get damaged only if you drive carelessly through mud and on wet surfaces. The trouble with motors is that the damage remains hidden for long. Still, you can feel relaxed; even unpleasant weather would not do any harm to it.

Another trouble users often face is that the key breaks off inside the ignition. In such an instance, turn off the scooter; put a 90-degree bend at the end of a paper clip and twist. Take out the broken part.

If you take good care of your mobility scooter, you would be able to notice the damages before they get worse. It will assist you minimize the situations where you have to take the device to the service center.

Look after your 3 wheel mobility scooter. It will take care of your freedom of movement all your life. And, financial assistance just requires a bit of effort.

To buy most quality three wheel medical scooters in San Diego, CA visit Better Life Mobility saloon in person or check scoter inventory at this link.

About the Author

Todd Dawson Is a freelance writer

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Author: Todd Dawson

Todd Dawson

Member since: Oct 09, 2014
Published articles: 229

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