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How to use new English words in your everyday conversations?

Author: English Path
by English Path
Posted: Oct 19, 2024

If done right, learning new English words can be exciting and rewarding. Every time you learn a new word, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. But the real challenge is in using these new words in your everyday conversations. To help you overcome this challenge, we have created a comprehensive guide for you to discover effective practical tips and strategies for learning new English words and using them correctly each day. Before we begin this word adventure, you must understand why adding new words to your vocabulary is important and the need to use those words in your conversations.

Importance of vocabulary

Having a good English vocabulary will help you express yourself clearly and in new ways. By learning new words in English, you can add depth to your conversations, convey different emotions, describe various situations and explain yourself better. Learning new English words will also help you boost your confidence when speaking in front of others in English.

6 tips for using new English words in your conversations

Now that you understand the importance and need for adding new English words to your vocabulary let's look at some practical tips on how you can achieve this goal.

1. Understand the context

When you come across new words in English that you are not sure of at first glance, try to understand the context of the sentence. Instead of focusing on the word itself, see how it is used in the sentence. This method will help you understand its meaning better and add it to your vocabulary. You can always look up the work in the dictionary if you are unable to understand the meaning, even after reading the sentence a couple of times.

2. Practice regularly

There is nothing better than regular practice to master something. It applies to learning and using new English words as well. Make it a habit to use the new words you learn in your daily conversations. Look for opportunities to use a new word. You can strike up a conversation with your friends over coffee or have engaging discussions with your family members over discussion. You can even set a goal to use at least one new word each day to make significant improvement over time.

3. Create flashcards

Flashcards are a very traditional method for memorising new words, their meanings and usage. Use them to learn new words in English. Buy a bunch of plain flashcards and write the new English word, its meaning and an example sentence. Read these cards regularly to expand your vocabulary and find new ways to use the same word in different situations. For example, this is how you should write on a flashcard to learn new words in English:

Word: Eloquent Meaning: Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. Sentence: Her eloquent speech moved the audience.

4. Engage in conversations

There is no better way to improve your English-speaking skills and use the new words you learned than having conversations. Look up creative ways to use new English words at work, at home, during class and while shopping. Don't miss a single opportunity to engage in conversations where you can use your new vocabulary. You can also join English language communities online, like English Path, where language learners can discuss various topics to improve their English skills.

5. Read widely

The best way to find new words in English is through a variety of reading materials. You can read books you enjoy, articles about latest news, and blogs about topics you are interested in to add new vocabulary to your personal dictionary. As you make good progress, start choosing materials that is challenging but still enjoyable. Add a mix of fiction and non-fiction to your reading material to see how the same words are used in different types of writing and situations.

6. Write daily

Writing is the best methodology to retain what you have learned. Keep a journal where you can pen your thoughts and use new English words in your entries. You can write about your day, your favourite places to visit, or even something amusing. The goal is to write new words to remember them later and use them in your conversations.

If you want to make quick progress, formal training from language experts would be a good choice. Explore the wide range of English language courses offered by English Path to not just to learn new words but also become fluent in using the English language in every aspect of your life!

Happy learning!

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A language learning school with various course offerings at different locations.

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Author: English Path

English Path

Member since: Jul 15, 2024
Published articles: 4

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