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Scalp Micropigmentation A Solution For Balding Men

Author: Loida Guevarra
by Loida Guevarra
Posted: Apr 01, 2015

Hair loss can be an embarrassing topic for men to discuss with anyone. However, mens hair loss is nothing to be ashamed of as there are many factors that cause the problem and numerous treatment options are available. Scalp micropigmentation is one solution that has recently gained popularity for the numerous benefits it has. Looks Like Hair, a company out of Tempe, Arizona has a scalp micropigmentation available that is gaining ground across the country. Visit for additional information.

Thinning of hair can be depressing. Both men and women suffer from the stigma associated with balding and premature ageing which can also affect confidence levels and mood. the micropigmentation process can transform a completely bald head to look like one that's full of well groomed hair.

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical scalp grooming procedure where natural pigments are inserted into the epidermis of the scalp to replicate the natural appearance of real strands of hair follicles. It is regarded as one of the best hair loss solutions today.

Experienced practitioners recognize that hair follicles don't always grow in the same direction. As everyone is different, the process involves the study of hair patterns to make the end result look as natural as possible. The fact that hair follicles are not always the same shade is also taken into consideration so it's not uncommon to create the most realistic pigment by using different shades of pigment.

The strand/follicle build up may take place over more than one session, each taking a few hours with a few days to a week's break between sessions. The main idea is to allow for a progressive and subtle rejuvenation of the hairline making it difficult for even family members and friends to realize that one has undergone the procedure. Visit for additional information on their scalp micropigmentation procedure.

The latest technology is used to inject natural pigment into the second skin dermal layer. The remaining natural hair follicles are then replicated to determine the most appropriate spacing. The procedure is also a solution to different kinds of hair loss problems.

Crown balding

This is a very common type of degenerative hair thinning and balding. Sufferers tend to look older than they are and lose their confidence. Through scalp micropigmentation, the crown's look can be rejuvenated to give a completely realistic hairline.

Receding hairline

Baldness is indeed accepted by most men as a nuisance but there has been great debate on which is worse between hairline receding and crown balding. Micropigmentation renders such argument irrelevant as it can cover up you area of concern leaving you with a cropped and attractive hairline.

Complete or near complete hair loss

For people suffering from partial or complete hair loss, scalp micropigmentation brings more than just hope. This has seen confidence and self esteem restored to many men suffering from the stigma that comes from loss of hair.


Alopecia varies in severity. However, this flexible targeted process enables practitioners restore lost hope and self esteem in many sufferers.

Diffused hair loss

Anything that disrupts the normal hair cycle such as nutritional deficiencies, emotional stress and endocrine imbalances are some of the causes of diffused hair loss. It can be a very tough time for any man, and scalp micropigmentation is an effective solution to the problem, restoring looks and confidence.

Skin type and color

The procedure is suitable to all skin types and colors whether white, Latino, Asian, Afrocarribean or mixed race. Innovative technology is used to match follicle color to provide a flawless, blended match with any existing hair.


As the procedure does not involve incision, the risk of infection is significantly reduced.

Cost effectiveness

This procedure is often less costly as compared to other hair loss treatments such as hair transplantation. In fact, the cost can be up to a third less than hair transplantation. Also, the treatment requires no post surgery medication for faster recovery.

Fast recovery time

Scalp micropigmentation provides a very fast recovery time. The normal healing period takes between 2 and 4 days. Most if not all patients can go back to their normal routines within 2 days.

Perfect shaved head illusion

Unlike hair pieces such as hair extensions and wigs, the hair restoration procedure delivers a realistic illusion of a shaved head. While it relatively easy for people to tell when you've added hair pieces, it's very difficult for someone to tell you've had scalp micropigmentation.

Standards in micropigmentation vary as well so make sure you choose experienced and highly qualified professionals for the procedure. So be sure to get the best treatment by carrying out proper research before making your choice. Looks Like Hair a company that is operated out of Tempe, Arizona provides excellent scalp micropigmentation procedures for balding males and females. Visit

Scalp micropigmentation is indeed a life changing service so you have the right to know what you are getting for your money. Read as many reviews as you can and look for an experienced practitioner just to be on the safe side. Even if it means adding some extra cash, it is well worth the extra cost to get the procedure done by a professional who is qualified, competent and knowledgeable on the best approach.


Prices vary depending on factors such as the practitioner and how much of the scalp needs to be treated. It is likely to cost more to do a large portion of the head as compared to small areas where hair is thinning.

At Looks Like Hair, we solve the problem of men’s hair loss with and provide permanent solution with a procedure called scalp micropigmentation. Go to for more information.

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Hi folks I am Loida Guevarra and I love sharing useful information.

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Author: Loida Guevarra

Loida Guevarra

Member since: Mar 05, 2015
Published articles: 108

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