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Legal Steroids and the Valid Reasons for Taking Them

Author: Allen Walsh
by Allen Walsh
Posted: Jun 04, 2015

Anabolic steroids are compounds known to be associated with the male sex hormone testosterone. However, the most appropriate term for these compounds is anabolic-androgenic steroids, wherein ‘anabolic’ refers to muscle-building, and ‘androgenic’ refers to having increased male sexual characteristics. These steroids can be legally prescribed to treat conditions such as:

  • Delayed puberty

  • Cancer

  • AIDS

  • Many forms of anemia

  • Acute and chronic wounds

  • Severe burns

  • Osteoporosis

  • Short stature

  • Primary or secondary Hypogonadism

However, doctors almost never prescribe anabolic steroids to young, healthy adults to help them build muscle and strength for performance enhancement. Some of the most common anabolic steroids include: Anadrol, Deca Durabolin, Dianabol Dbol, Winstrol, and Anavar to name a few.

Anabolic steroids can either be taken orally or injected into the muscles. Continuous use of steroids can decrease the body’s responsiveness to the drug, thus causing the body to stop the natural production of testosterone. It is due to this reason that users conduct "steroid cycles", which means they take the steroids for a period of time, usually for approximately two months, and then pause the cycle for a period of time before restarting. Steroid cycles work great at maximizing the effectiveness of any given steroid.

It isn't a secret that bodybuilders and athletes abuse these drugs with the intent of enhancing their performance and improving their physical appearance. However, a much recommended option is to buy legal steroids, as these are highly effective, completely safe and 100% legal to consume. Legal steroids are made from pharmaceutical grade ingredients that are adequately dosed. They are free of harmful side effects when taken as directed. Worth noting is that their prices tend to be very reasonable. Legal steroids are manufactured by drug companies and then distributed worldwide through various medical channels. Legal steroids have been manufactured legally and can be legally obtained only with a valid prescription. It is advisable to obtain anabolic steroids in a legal manner so as to comply with local laws about their use.

Many steroid users tend to take two or more steroids together. This is called stacking. Long term steroid use can affect some of the brain pathways, and may have a significant impact on your mood and behavior. The correct dosage, nutrition and workout routines play a vital role in the effectiveness of the steroid. Anabolic steroid abuse has been linked with many health problems including: acne, breast growth, shrinking of testicles in men, voice deepening, growth of facial hair in women, high blood pressure, heart problems, liver disease, kidney damage, and aggressive behavior. These conditions can be avoided, however.

You can easily get anabolic steroids by visiting a doctor and getting a prescription for them. People who tend to take steroids for performance enhancement will most likely come under the umbrella of being an illegal user, until proven otherwise.

About the Author

Legal steroids have been manufactured legally and can be obtained only with a valid prescription. It is advisable to obtain anabolic steroids in a legal manner so as to comply with the country’s laws.

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Author: Allen Walsh

Allen Walsh

Member since: Apr 01, 2015
Published articles: 2

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