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Learn about bloody hemorrhoids

Author: Fredrick Durrenmatt
by Fredrick Durrenmatt
Posted: Apr 01, 2015

The most common cause of anal and rectal complaints is represented by hemorrhoids. The vast majority of people see them as causes of discomfort, rectal bleeding and pain, but the truth is they are normal parts of the human anatomy and only cause the above mentioned symptoms if they swell. Therefore, it is important for people to get acquainted with the definition of hemorrhoids, what causes them and what are the main signs and symptoms, so that they can acknowledge when they should worry or not, but also what kind of treatment to look for. For instance, rectal bleeding or blood in the stool can be caused by relatively benign sources, such as hemorrhoids, it can also be caused by more serious illnesses, some of which can even be life threatening, which is why information and knowledge are essential. Of course, if you experience something like this, you need to see a health care professional, but it doesn’t hurt to have your own info and research on the matter.

As mentioned above, hemorrhoids are natural parts of one’s anatomy and they don’t become a problem unless swelling occurs, which happens when an internal hemorrhoid or more become inflamed. Low fiber diet, pregnancy and obesity, diarrhea, they can all be counted as hémorroïdes causes, because they all lead to increased pressure in the area, causing the hemorrhoids to swell. There are no pain nerves attached to the veins above the pectinate line, reason for which simple swelling does not cause pain, but swollen hemorrhoids can make the muscle around the rectum and anus spasm, which is painful. In addition, passing a hard stool can scrape off the lining of the hemorrhoids, leading to bleeding and thus turning them into hémorroïdes saignantes. Severe pain always occurs when internal hemorrhoids clot or thrombose. External hemorrhoids are covered by regular skin, therefore they have pain fibers attached, so they behave differently than the internal ones. The external ones clot when an underlying vein becomes thrombosed and the pain associated with this clotting is very intense, because the skin covering the hemorrhoid stretches rapidly.

There are, as already said, numerous and various hémorroïdes causes and whether you are experiencing blood in the stool or anal itching, it is not wise to presume they are all due to hemorrhoids, because other conditions can be at fault as well, conditions and illnesses that can be far more serious, such as anal cancer tumor, which leads o anal bleeding just like hémorroïdes saignantes. This is why it is utterly important for people to seek medical advice, but also to be informed of the causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids, as well as the different types of treatments available. There are also different grades of hemorrhoids and depending on the grade, suitable treatment is recommended, which can vary from over the counter medication to home remedies and non-surgical approaches, but also hemorrhoid surgery. It all depends on the seriousness of the condition and of how much the hemorrhoids developed, but also on whether the patient responds to a certain treatment or not.

To learn more about hémorroïdes causes or about hémorroïdes saignantes, please follow these links!

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Author: Fredrick Durrenmatt

Fredrick Durrenmatt

Member since: Mar 13, 2015
Published articles: 837

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