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How to Handle the Mean Girls in School? Boost your Confidence

Author: John Kelly
by John Kelly
Posted: Apr 06, 2015

If you, as a parent have a daughter at home, then do take some time out to read about this. Aside from the normal hormonal medical changes within her, is there anything absurd that you are following? Is she cranky and bad-tempered at all times? Is she on the verge of deteriorating relationship with her siblings or probably with you? Then, as parents, what is it that you can do to perform some transformation within her? Try to analyze her routine, understand that she is going through a bad phase and it is possibly due to the unpleasant incidents and happenings in the school.

The "mean girls" who are often portrayed as the other sort of bully, might be the reason behind your little girl’s depression, anxiety, sadness and crabbiness. Many young girls in middle schools as well as in the high schools, are often seen carrying out activities of mistreating the other girls, based on certain traits, which includes jealousy and being envious. It is the responsibility of those girls to teach them the values of utter respect and admiration and how to live in harmony. They should make them understand how a single negative word or a phrase can leave a deep and a life long effect on the other individuals.


Initially, you need to tell your daughter the difference between bullying and admiration. Tell her not to keep quiet and soundless when she is being mistreated by other girls. Tell her, they have no right to point out to her clothes, face and her getup. This is the first phase, as allowing them to differentiate results in the acceptance of the concept. As she learns to accept, that she is being maltreated, she can actually move ahead by complaining as well as struggling on her own.


Ask her to stick to her friends that are already with her, be it during the classrooms, assignment writing, project making, walking down the hall, in recess or coming back home. This gives a sense of security as well as protection. Being alone will result in more harassment as individually, it is difficult to remain composed.

Self confidence

The self-image of your daughter is quite essential in this case, what she thinks about them and what her close friends and family thinks about her will draft her perceptions. If you have developed an environment at home that increases her confidence, then there is no need to worry, and if her friends are of genuine nature, always enhancing her spirits then again, her perceptions will be shaped by the thinking of others. As her confidence increases, she can be poised as she moves along the hallway with no fear of being bullied and no fingers to point at her self-image.


Make sure you are not one of those parents, who are not into the lives of their children. Learn to interfere and create an environment of accountability and credibility. Make sure your children, consider you as the last resort whenever they encounter any challenge in their lives. Make sure you have your confidence and trust in them, through which they contact you when they are in need.

Author Bio:

John Kelly is a pro academic writer with many publications to his credit. He has recently ventured into the field of fashion blogging and feature/ column writing and has become a regular contributor at many e-zine sites and magazines. At present, he is also working with many genuine homework help websites as a content writer and manager for the sake of students.

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Author: John Kelly

John Kelly

Member since: Feb 10, 2015
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