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Why you should donate to Syria

Author: Syria Relief
by Syria Relief
Posted: Apr 07, 2015

Anyone with a human heart is sure to be moved to see the plight of the people in Syria. The four year long war in Syria has caused irreparable damages to the country and condemned people to a pitiable sub-standard life. They people are deprived of the basic comforts, sustenance and food to pull on their day to day living. Historians and social workers describe this as one of the worst humanitarian crisis that has ever happened on this earth over the recent years. Amidst this scenario, some voluntary service organizations have taken up the noble cause of supporting the people in the country with the basics they require to survive. These groups have been rendering a highly appreciable humanitarian services in the affected regions helping out people in every possible way. Your support to the affected in Syria is one of the most useful and satisfying charities that you might think of. A small help from your side will go a long way to significantly improve the living conditions of people in Syria.

During the wars, over 10,000 kids were killed and now about 5.6 million children are in crucial need of humanitarian aid to live a decent life. In the affected regions of Syria over 3.5 million children have been forced to leave their homes. About 2 million kids have already left the country to seek refuge in the overflowing refugee camps set up elsewhere or have frequented villages in hope of security and food. Due to the despicable situation all around, more than 3 million children are not able to go to schools. Over 10 million people on the whole live on paltry food that is not adequate for a decent human being. The situation described so far can be improved positively with more help from good hearted people like you since every morsel of food sent to Syria counts to alleviate the hunger of someone today.

Among the Syrians, the worst affected seem to be the children who have been condemned to death, various illnesses, under-nutrition, different kinds of abuse and exploitation day in and day out. There is a huge need to set right the condition in the country and the help pouring inside Syria does not seem to suffice the recurring needs. However, the voluntary teams are doing a phenomenal work in the country within their possibilities. A lot of children and their families have been provided with nutritious food, security, shelter, safe water and medicine. Amidst these circumstances, more help, funds and resources are called for from outside to make things better in Syria. The trend is positive, but the amount of need in Syria is so thick that the available resources thin away.

Blessed are those who have enough to make a decent life. More blessed are those who can spare something from their savings and earnings for others who need them the most. With these blessings, you can play a decisive role in a little way at least when you decide to donate something. Your haelp will be a great encouraging factor for those engaged in selfless service in the unknown region just to see some smiles in the people’s faces.

Author is a freelance writer and having successful experience in writing about Charity services. Currently he is writing about Donate To Syria and Medical Aid To Syria for more information about Donate To Syria visit: Syriarelief.

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Every month we provide over 10,000 people with health care, education, hygiene and food.

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Author: Syria Relief

Syria Relief

Member since: Mar 09, 2015
Published articles: 41

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