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Therapeutic Properties of Tagetes and Spiknard Essential Oil

Author: Jiya Singh
by Jiya Singh
Posted: Apr 27, 2015

Nowadays, most of the people are affected by the various diseases due to the increasing pollution level and contamination in each and every basic thing such as, water, food and other consumption things. Further, the medical treatment can not provide the permanent solution of these continuously growing diseases.

The essential oil of tagetes is extracted from the leaf and flowers of the Tagetes minuta plant. This oil has a sweet, wild and fruity smell. The main components of Tagetes oil are limonene, tagetone, ocimene and valeric acid.

Therapeutic properties: Tagetes essential oil has anti-microbial, antibiotic, anti-infectious, anti-spasmodic, anti-parasitic, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, which makes it highly useful.

There are some other benefits of the natural oil, which force us to put it at our home:

Anti Biotic: The magical oil of tagetes does not allow the biotic growth of fungi, bacteria, protozoans or other parasites like worms in the body. This oil has been found highly effective to treat ulcers, gangrene, rotten wounds, and sores. Thus, Tagetes oil is good for the treatment of cholera, athlete's foot, food poisoning, tetanus, septic, typhus, skin diseases, malaria, dermatitis, etc.

Anti Parasitic: Tagetes oil is good for driving away the most harmful and annoying parasites like fleas, mosquitoes, bedbugs and others. It is very helpful for keeping them away and is also effectively neutralizes their stings or bites effects.

Anti Septic: This oil is highly effective against the septic infection that is caused by the Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria and is too much dangerous for the body. The symptoms of this infection include muscular contractions, extreme spasm, convulsions, swelling, limb's immobility.

Nardostachys grandiflora, is the botanical name of the Spikenard plant which belongs to the valerian family. Its rhizomes are used for yielding the essential oil that is extensively used in aromatherapy and is known as sedative, calming and stabilizing oil. The essential oil of spiknard has sweet, spicy, woody odor and its color are pale yellow.

The Spikenard plant is native to the Himalayan Mountain. In India, this plant is also popular by the name of Jatamansi. This Spikenard oil is widely used as an ingredients in medicines, skin tonics and perfumes.

The chemical components which attribute to its medicinal properties are Aristolene, Calarene, Calarenol, Coumarin, Dihydroazulenes, Jatamanshinic acid, Nardol, Nardostachone, Valerianol, Valerinal valeranone.

About the Author

Poonam Singh is a professional content writer in the field of essential oils, mint products, arachis oil, almond essential oil, etc.

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Author: Jiya Singh

Jiya Singh

Member since: Apr 24, 2015
Published articles: 5

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