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Surrogate mother in india

Posted: Oct 21, 2013
Surrogate Mothers in India
Surrogacy is a Complex process that needs a decision tree.One must understand the facts about Who will opt surrogacy, whom does it Suit best, who cannot, how, where aspects etc. In the Indian Most of the surrogates are housewives who are willing To follow the schedule and also to stay at home except few cases where doing a Job is unavoidable.
Every mother who Comes to the clinic as a surrogate volunteer cannot be chosen as a right person To become the same. Instead a clear picture of their obstetric status, general Health status, ability to nourish the child inside her womb, her willingness, Legal clarity etc. Are clearly understood.And the most important part is to Screen here for history of some sexually Transmitted diseases, infectious diseases, hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Prolonged treatments, prior or present history of mental illness etc.
To chose a Surrogate mother there is a criteria that need to be followed as mentioned Below
- The Age of the women must be reproductive age I, e 20-30 years, in some cases 32 years can be Accepted with healthy and fit body and mind. This is the right reproductive age That can result in a normal future kid with no defects and diseases.
- Surrogate The mother must be a woman who is able to take care of herself in her family and There must be no objection from her family members, she must be willing to Undergo thorough physical evaluation and Biochemical tests.
- The Surrogate women must not have ill experiences of previous still births, complications Like abortion, previous history of maternal issues.
- The Surrogate women must believe that she Can involve her full emotions supports from a partner who is able to understand The need and benefits of the surrogacy Program and is willing to participate in any way required.
- It Is advisable to chose mother as a surrogate when she is willing to become Surrogate at first time, younger the mother and healthier the child.
Procedure Details for selection of the surrogate mother
It is most Important to conduct detailed interviews either Verbal or written. The data must be Collected on the support system of the family, friends and work environment. A diarist Meeting need to be arranged in the presence of the recipient couple, Surrogate Mother, Medical Lawyer, social worker, and the MD of the clinic to come to a Conclusion on price quotations, policies etc. An agreement needs to be signed After a mutual understanding of both the parties.
As a traditional Surrogate an artificial insemination will Be first made.A traditional surrogate Is said to be when the father's sperm is inseminated with a Women. She then carries the baby and delivers it for the parents to raise. Here The sperm used can either be donor`s or can be father`s, it depends on father` Problem and ability to generate normal sperm.
Gestational Surrogates is the one in which there is no biological or genetic right over the Offspring. IVF is used to harvest the eggs From the mother and allow them to fertilize with sperm from the father later place it into the uterus of a gestational surrogate. Once The decision is taken on whether to be a biological or non biological parent Then she must be asked for approval in Writing from her spouse &as well as family members regarding her interest to become a Surrogate mother. In case if the husband is dead then the death certificate of the husband need to be Produced. A detailed identity and address proof along with signatures of the Surrogate, potential couple need to be collected and handed over to clinic and Lawyer.
Care and facilities for Surrogate mothers
The money or fee that is paid to the The surrogate may be used to provide some yoga Training, nutritional diet, expenses, entertainment fee, Short sightseeing Trip, some training on home based works like Paper Bag making, Candle making, Garland making, Bead making etc.
rt Her own business.
About the Author
Author and Doctor {was born|was created} on May 7, 1965 {in|with|within} delhi, India. His extensive research {and|together with} knowledge has earned {him|him or her} a valuable repute {in the field of|in neuro-scientific} Health.
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