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Defending Your House Against Termites

Author: Tina Blake
by Tina Blake
Posted: Jul 27, 2015

Spring was upon us and we were finally getting the opportunity to spend more time outdoors. The warm weather that was moving in brought a lot of great memories outside, but it also brought some unwelcoming guests indoors. As we would play in the yard, I would begin to notice the trees and shrubs looking more and more damaged. As I approached the trees, I could see tiny insects swarming it. They almost mimicked flying ants, but I knew they were very different than ants. In fact, I discovered quickly they were termites. Immediately, I got concerned about how close they were to the house. I knew I would need to hire termites control Singapore - inspectors to see if the pesky insects were in our home.

As soon as I got ahold of them, we scheduled an appointment for them to come to the house that next day. My husband and I waited patiently that day curious if our home was slowly being devoured by an infestation of termites. The next morning, the inspector arrived. He started his inspection process down in the basement because he felt like it would give the most clues to whether termites were in the home or not. Immediately, they discovered some mud tubes and pointed them out to my husband and I. We had seen these before, but never knew what they were.

As we moved through the house looking for termite damage and signs of an infestation, the termites control Singapore inspectors gave us a quick lesson on how to tell if there are termites in home. The mud tubes were empty, but it did not mean that we did not have termites. When they discovered the tiny winged insects around the windows, he explained to us the process of getting rid of them. We knew we had to act quickly. As we researched the pesky little insects, we saw the extensive damage they could make. The thought of spending thousands to recover the damage they had done made us worry. As the termites control Singapore inspector gave us a quote for the damage and removal process, we knew we were in good hands. Our home would soon be fully free of termites and we could rest easy knowing we armed with the right termite control Singapore crew.

About the Author

Termites control singapore, bed bugs removal singapore, pest removal, best pest control services in singapore

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Author: Tina Blake

Tina Blake

Member since: May 17, 2015
Published articles: 7

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