11 Best Project Management Tools & Software You Need to Look Out For!

Author: Richard Peirce

Are you looking for the most effective project management software for your business? You've come to the right place! We've simplified the process by compiling 11 project software and tools into a single comprehensive list.

  1. 1. Score

The score is a comprehensive project management software that includes all of the features you might need, including projects and tasks, contact management, quotes, team collaboration, billing, and reporting. The score helps you to streamline your entire work process, so you don't have to use a variety of tools to complete each task. All of your vital information is kept in one location.

  1. 2. ProofHub

ProofHub is a project management tool that replaces traditional emailing and many other tools by combining multiple project management features into one place. ProofHub's user interface is simple and well-designed, allowing the team to collaborate more effectively.

  1. 3. Basecamp

Thousands of project management teams prefer Basecamp because of its modern social media-like interface and worry-free team collaboration features. Basecamp does not charge per person, and it is free for teachers and students, unlike some other project management options.

  1. 4. Asana

Asana combines project management, file storage, and collaboration features to help teams manage projects without using email. Asana is a simple-to-use tool with a simple layout that's perfect for small teams working on simple projects.

  1. 5. Citrix Podio

Podio is an online hub for work and team communication that is both flexible and highly customizable. You can use Podio's workflows feature to add if-this-then-that logic to your apps. For instance, tell your app to make a task or a comment.

  1. 6. Workzone

Workzone was created by a group of seasoned advertising executives who wanted to make it easier for agencies and creative teams to see all of their work. Workzone has a lot of powerful features, but it's a lot easier to use than other tools.

  1. 7. JIRA

JIRA is a cross-platform issue and bug tracking application with advanced project management features. JIRA is the ideal IT project management tool because it was created for software development teams.

  1. 8. Notion

Notion will change the way you think about project management. It aids in the planning and discussion of projects, as well as the sharing of information with the team and keeping track of all ideas. The notion is like a LEGO set for collaboration software in that it allows you to build workflows that are tailored to your team's needs.

  1. 9. Trello

Trello is well-known for visualising project tasks on a cardboard-like dashboard, which is ideal for managing short and simple daily tasks. Trello is the most visual way for teams to collaborate on any project, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

  1. 10. ActiveCollab

ActiveCollab is a project management tool that keeps your team organized as you move away from email. Active Collab is particularly well-suited to teamwork, with features such as collaborative text editing and @mentions for communication.

  1. 11. Redmine

Redmine is an open-source project management tool with a large volunteer community that makes it extremely flexible. Redmine is an open-source tool that supports multiple languages, which could be useful.

Need more insights on the same? Find the best PM tools right here, or enrol in a PMP prep course at Education Edge today!