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Soren Udby

Member since: Aug 02, 2019
Published articles: 4

A Quick Guide to the Why and How of Counter Drone Systems

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are popular across multiple sectors, including media, law enforcement, military, sports, research, and development, among other areas. The use of drone saves costs and...

Articles > Technology & Science > Communication Aug 05, 2019
Anti-Drone Technology: a Timely Solution to Growing Drone-Related Risks

Drones in the UK are a revolutionary technology. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have multiple uses in law enforcement, media, sports, reconnaissance, logistics, data collection, military...

Articles > Technology & Science > Communication Aug 05, 2019
Drone Defense Systems: What to Expect from the Latest Technology

Over the years, more people and businesses in the UK have acquired drone technology for multiple applications. There are more drones in the UK skies today and the lax laws regulating these unmanned...

Articles > Technology & Science > Electronics Aug 30, 2019
Trends to Look out for in the Counter Uav Technology

Drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles are common in the UK today. It is easy for shoppers to order these devices online for multiple uses. From the media, film industry, military, law enforcement...

Articles > Technology & Science > Electronics Aug 30, 2019

Author Bio

Rinicom is a leading technology company in the UK supplying anti drone technology and other tech solutions.